Page 7 - Rosendin-Electric-TheEasternBranch-Q3-17
P. 7


           TAYLOR         I’m from Murrysville, PA,                 I am from Crafton, PA, a small   PAMELA
      CALDWELL            near Pittsburgh. I’ll be a third        town just outside of Pittsburgh.   MEIGHAN
                          year studying Architectural                  I am a rising junior at Penn
                          Engineering at Penn State                   State University majoring in
                          University. This summer, I’ve        Architectural Engineering, and this
                          been working with Rosendin            summer I have been working with
                          at the DC12 site as an                  Rosendin as an assistant project
                          assistant project manager.             manager intern at the VA3 site in
                                                                                      Ashburn, VA.

             DAVID       I’m from Fairfax, VA. I’m pursuing a           I’m from Upper Marlboro,     JOHNNY
               CHAE      degree in Energy Engineering with               MD and attend Shepherd      PICKETT
                         minors in environmental engineering           University. I’ve worked with
                         & energy, business, and finance. My               my dad in the electrical
                         inspiration for project management                field sine I was 6. Right
                         stemmed from helping to buid a house             out of school, I’d love to
                         in El Salvador for Habitat for Humanity.      become a project manager
                         One random fact is that I starred in a             for Rosendin. I love to
                         Korean commercial when I was 8!                   travel, play football and
                                                                                 ocassionally sing.

        MICHAEL          I am from Frederick, MD and I went                I’m from Salisbury, MD,   DESHONDRE
           TORRES        to college at Messiah College in                       currently attending  CRIPPEN
                         Mechanicsburg, PA. I have been working            University of Maryland,
                         at the Maryland Live! Casino Hotel.           Eastern Shore. As an intern
                         I am assisting in day-to-day tasks                 as Rosendin, I’ve been
                         including RFIs, creating lighting fixture         working on the Verizon
                         coordination studies and submittal            Wireless job as an assistant
                         packages as well as conducting daily               project manager doing
                         safety walks on site. I have thoroughly          RFIs, takeoffs, estimating
                         enjoyed my time at Rosendin.                                and site walks.

         COLTON          I’m from a small town in Western PA       I will be entering my third year   KATELYN
             CLARK       called Freeport. I attended Slippery        as an undergraduate at West     HAMPEL
                         Rock University of Pennsylvania for          Virginia University pursing a
                         four years in the Safety Management        dual degree in Computer and
                         program. I am an avid outdoorsman            Electrical Engineering. When
                         who enjoys hunting, fishing,                  not in classes or the library,
                         camping and riding dirt bikes. I also           I enjoy outdoor activities,
                         enjoy extreme sports. I have been             brewing my own root beer,
                         skydiving before, raced in dirt track     and picking away on my banjo.
                         derby races, and enjoy water and
                         winter sports.
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