Page 104 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
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04.09.2024, 22:07 Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation
Listening Part 3 Multiple choice
W h a t t o e x p e c t i n t h e e x a m
• In Part 3 you hear two people talking about a particular topic, with a third person, the
interviewer, prompting them with questions.
• The recording will contain opinions and attitudes, which are expressed both implicitly
and explicitly.
• There are five multiple-choice questions with four options each. These focus on
understanding the points raised.
• Questions follow the order of the information in the recording.
1 S P E A K Before listening, look at Question 1 in Exercise 3. In groups, try to think of as
many ways as possible the speakers might refer to the ideas in the question and the
possible answers.
e.g. If it were up to me, I’d …
… let’s not put it all on them …
… already do quite a bit …
2 Now read the remaining questions and answer options in Exercise 3 and spend a few
minutes thinking about possible ways the speakers might express the ideas in the
questions and possible answers.
3 0.3 You will hear a councillor, Kevin Eastwell, and a conservationist, Julia Wright,
discuss cats in New Zealand. For questions 1–5 choose the answer ( A, B, C or D)
which fits best according to what you hear.
1 In response to Julia’s comment about cats having killed off many bird species, Kevin
A disputes that cats are the main cause of bird loss.
B corrects how she has described the cat threat.
claims she is too sensitive to the issues at hand.
accuses her of pointing the finger at owners.
Bird populations are being destroyed so dramatically in New Zealand because
A they struggle to recognise predators.
B their numbers are already relatively small.
C their evolution has been slow.
they are ill equipped for danger.
3 Kevin explains that in the early 19th century, the population
of the Lyall’s wren was
A flourishing on the main islands.
B confined to one particular place.
C entirely eradicated across the country.
D slowly diminishing on the main islands.
4 When it comes to managing household cats, Julia advocates
enforcing a ban on all domestic cats roaming neighbourhoods.
B instituting a license system for new cat ownership.
making owners ensure that their cats can’t reproduce.
limiting the number of cats each household may have.
5 Julia and Kevin agree that
A dealing with a range of predators is worthwhile.
cats are not the most dangerous predator.
C wildlife organisations need to reassess their priorities.
the issue of feral cats is widely underestimated.
4 Look at the Audioscript on page 242 and use it to work out
where and why you chose the right or wrong answers. How was
paraphrase used to help or distract you?
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