Page 150 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 150

04.09.2024, 22:48                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation

                                                                                   READY FOR SPEAKING

                H o w   t o   g o   a b o u t   i t
                •   Listen carefully to what your partner says so that you can give a genuine and logical
                 reaction. Try to respond to what they have said and develop the discussion further.
                •   It is OK if your opinion differs from your partner. Explain why you hold a different
                 view and give examples. If you agree with your partner, make sure you provide extra
                 reasons and develop your response.
                •   Remember that there is no ‘correct’ answer to this task but that it’s important to show
                 you are negotiating and working towards a decision with your partner.
                •   Use language of comparison, evaluation and opinion. Make suggestions to your
                 partner to keep the discussion moving.

               3   Work in pairs. Look at all the pictures 1–4. Imagine a lifestyle magazine is planning an
                 article on the theme of personal achievement. They need a picture to accompany the
                 article. Talk together about the ways in which these activities contribute to personal
                 achievement and then decide which image you think would be best to use.
               4   0.7 Watch or listen to Sofia and Mario discussing the task. Answer the questions.
                 1   How well do the students respond to the task?
                 2   Do they interact effectively?
                 3   How relevant and coherent are the students’ contributions?

               Speaking      Part 3 Long turn                 Total time: 4 minutes

                W h a t   t o   e x p e c t   i n   t h e   e x a m
                 In this part of your test, each candidate is given two minutes to speak on a topic
                 without interruption.
                •   The examiner will give you a card with a question on it for you to answer. The card
                 will also have some prompts on it, which you can include in your answer, if you would
                 like to. Alternatively, you may discuss other ideas, as long as they are relevant to the
                •   You can take around ten seconds to think about what you want to say and to organise
                 your thoughts. Your partner will listen to you carefully and will not interrupt you.
                •   When you finish your long turn, the interlocutor will ask the other candidate a
                 follow-up question related to the topic.

               1   Work in pairs and do the task.
                 Student A: Talk for two minutes about the question below.

                  How does the sense of competing against others affect people?
                  •   in sport
                  •   at work
                  •   amongst friends

               2   Now take it in turns to answer the follow-up questions.
                  Follow-up questions
                  Student B: Are you a competitive person?
                  Student A: How about you?

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