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05.09.2024, 22:41                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation



               TALK OF THE TOWN                                                                      

               KEY LANGUAGE                                            Speaking       Part 1 Interview
               Reporting structures 1
                                                                       Work with a partner. Discuss the questions.
               Reporting structures 2
                                                                          In what ways has your town remained
               City dwelling
                                                                          unchanged over the past 50 years?
               Phrasal verbs for problems and solutions
                                                                       2   What do you enjoy about the place where
                                                                          you live and what would you change if
                                                                          you could?
                                                                       3   How do you think someone’s living
               Talk and  tell
                                                                          environment can affect their quality of life?
                                                                          Does living in an urban or a rural area affect
                                                                          this? In what ways?
               E X A M  P R A C T I C E
                                                                          How would you describe the local
               Reading and Use of English Parts 2, 4 & 7                  community where you live?
               Writing Parts 1 & 2                                     5   In cities, what tensions are there between
                                                                          culture and heritage on the one hand, and
               Listening Part 1
                                                                          commercial land use on the other?
               Speaking Parts 1 & 3

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