Page 169 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 169
05.09.2024, 22:41 Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation
Reading and Use of English Part 7 Multiple matching
1 S P E A K In pairs, discuss the questions.
How many litres of water do you think you use a day? What do you use it for?
2 Where does the place where you live get its water from? How clean do you think it is?
What issues do you think there are surrounding cleaning and reusing water?
2 You are going to read an article about water problems in cities. For questions 1–10,
choose from sections (A–E). The sections may be chosen more than once.
D o n ’ t f o r g e t !
In which section are the following mentioned?
You may find some recognition of a need for more variation in water supply sources 1
overlap between
insufficient investment resulting in some obstacles to be overcome 2
specific details in
residents who tolerate their water problems 3
the paragraphs (e.g.
the need for the authorities to keep abreast of developments 4
several paragraphs
may mention purposeful cuts in the water supply
an escalation in water source contamination 6
problems) but in
a risk stemming from geographical circumstances rather than climate change
order to match the
a water supply that has failed to keep pace with progress 8
sentence to the
correct paragraph you plans to exploit further natural resources to bolster the water supply
need to dissect the
a city affected by unpredictable, severe weather changes 10
information in each of
3 S P E A K Work in small group. Discuss the following questions.
the sentences 1–10.
By doing this, you’ll
1 What ideas did the article give that could help places suffering from water
ensure that you don’t
just match part of an
Are there ever any restrictions on water use in your country? How is it restricted?
idea – you’ll match the
3 What can be done to ensure the sustainable management of water supplies for
complete idea.
the future?
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