Page 176 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 176
05.09.2024, 22:46 Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation
Writing Part 2 Report
1 S P E A K Work in groups. Talk about your city or a city you know and discuss what you
think the major transport issues are. You can choose from the following as well as
include your own ideas.
• reliability • frequency • accessibility
• variety • environmental effects • capacity
2 Note down some of the problems you discussed and make a list of solutions for
each problem.
Problems Solutions
There are always traffic jams during the Encourage residents to take other routes, or
peak hours of the day. encourage firms to offer flexible working.
3 Read the Part 2 task below and then answer the questions.
U s e f u l l a n g u a g e
There was a town-hall meeting where suggestions were made on how to improve
Using impersonal
transport problems within the area. You have been asked to write a report for a
structures in reports
councillor, identifying two or three of the main issues that were discussed. Outline the
Introducing the report
problems, explaining why they need to be addressed, and offer any solutions to
alleviate this problem. This report outlines /
suggests / proposes /
identifies …
Write your report in 280–320 words.
The aim / purpose of
1 Who is the target reader of the report?
this report is to …
2 What problem and solutions will you include?
Highlighting issues and
3 How will you structure your report? evaluating solutions
4 What headings will you use? Buses are (widely)
accepted / found /
What vocabulary and language structures will you use to demonstrate your level?
considered / to be …
H o w t o g o a b o u t i t
Traffic jams were
recognised / identified
There are some key differences between writing a report and other types of writing.
as being …
• The structure of the report is very important. Before you write, carefully consider the
It is anticipated /
question and what information you need to include. This will help you organise the
estimated / expected
text. You should also consider what advanced vocabulary and language structures
to …
to include.
It could be suggested
• The report should be organised into clear sections, which should have sub-headings
that …
that identify what points those sections cover. Remember that there will also be a
These problems may
subheading for the introduction and conclusion. The conclusion should cover your
have been exacerbated
overall assessment of the task and make any recommendations.
by …
• Remember that reports are factual and objective. As such, an impersonal tone
Many / Some residents
should be taken. This includes using passive structures and more factual rather than
see this as …
opinionated language.
There are many
proposed solutions …
4 S P E A K Go to the Additional materials on page 200 .
This could / may be
5 Write your own answer for the task in Exercise 3.
regarded as …
One solution could be …
For more information on writing reports, see page 194.
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