Page 179 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 179
05.09.2024, 22:46 Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation
Idioms Talk and tell
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of either talk or tell.
‘Sorry to shop outside of the office, but we really must get the
Vital Industries contract signed next week.’
2 ‘This project is pretty difficult.’ ‘Yeah, me something I don’t know –
I’ve been working on it for weeks and I don’t seem to be getting anywhere.’
3 ‘The IT giant’s share prices have plummeted after it announced heavy losses last week,
but as far as anyone can , there is no danger of the company folding.’
4 ‘That dress looks terrible on you!’
‘ to the hand ! You’ve got no idea about fashion – this is designer.’
5 ‘I’d had enough of his constant criticising of my cooking, so I him
where to get off.’
6 ‘Half the time I’ve no idea what the interviewers are talking about when I go for a job,
but I the and usually get an offer!’
‘My son doesn’t listen to a word I say when he’s playing on his Xbox. It’s like
to a brick wall .’
8 ‘Taking the metro into town this early is a real pain.’
‘ me about it . I get the metro at 6 am every day and it’s always packed.’
2 Match each highlighted expression (1–8) in Exercise 1 with one of the following
paraphrases (a–h).
made it very clear I disagreed
speak in a confident way to make it sound as if I am an expert
he completely ignores me
d I’m not going to take any notice of you
A b o u t E n g l i s h
e to discuss work
Sarcasm is a common
f I completely agree
feature of English,
g from what we know
but it’s not always
easy to detect. When h I completely agree (in a sarcastic / humourous context)
someone is being
3 S P E A K Work in pairs. Look at the following way of recording new phrases or idioms.
sarcastic, usually
Discuss the positive and negative aspects of this method.
they say the opposite
of what the context
indicates, and their (to make) small talk (uncountable noun) – to talk about unimportant
tone of voice might
things (often with someone you don’t know well)
change or their
Common use: Very common
speech might seem
exaggerated. You Example sentence: “I hate going to conferences because I’m not good at
can also look out for
making small talk with other people.”
visual clues like raised
Paraphrase: The ability to make conversation on trivial matters is a skill
eyebrows or eye rolls,
or in emails people that not everybody has.
may use an upside-
down smiley face.
4 Choose ONE of the phrases below. Look up its meaning and make a record of it,
D i s c u s s i n g i d i o m s
including the different elements above.
Discuss the differences
• talk your ear off • tell it like it is • tell someone a thing or two
in meaning between
5 S P E A K Share what you have written with others with the group. How could you
these idioms:
improve your way of recording these phrases?
• small talk / idle talk
• talk the talk / put 6 S P E A K In groups, discuss the questions.
your money where
1 How can you group idioms that you learn? (e.g. by key word, by subject etc)
your mouth is
2 How do you try and incorporate phrases like these into your speech? Do you think it
• tell me about it /
is more useful to know them receptively rather than use them?
tell it like it is
3 What advice would you give someone who wanted to improve their idiom use?
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