Page 184 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 184
05.09.2024, 22:47 Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation
Vocabulary Health and fitness
1 Read the articles below and for 1–12 choose the word that does NOT collocate with
the noun in bold.
S T R U G G L I N G W I T H I N J U R Y ?
Are you struggling with a (1) severe / damaging / persistent
injury? Do you suffer from (2) constant / cognitive / chronic
pain that nags away despite (3) medical / surgical / burning
intervention. Gold Physio could be for you! We’ll look
at a range of holistic options including (4) alternative /
complementary / genetic therapies to bring you back to your
pain-free self. Don’t delay, make your appointment today.
Dieting is not just for weight loss. (5) Restricted / Special /
Fad diets can actually benefit a whole host of ailments,
from (6) poor / bad / limiting circulation to problems
with your (7) health / digestive / immune system.
Come along to our Wednesday evening group to find out
more about this. We’ll offer advice as well as help with
the (8) intelligent / emotional / mental resilience needed
to stick to such diets. With a (9) fresh / conservative /
balanced perspective and the right diet, you could see
incredible results.
Muscles you can count on!
Do you see little improvement in your (10) core /
physical / superior strength, no matter how many
times you go to the gym? Remember, it’s not
always easy to change your build – it’s often part of
your (11) genetic / demographic / physical makeup.
But don’t get disheartened as help is at hand. Using
(12) effective / established / proficient practices from
the east, we’ll show you the secret of building muscle
that will last! Call us now on 080039393.
2 The groups of adjectives below can combine with one of the nouns from Exercise 1.
Add the noun for each group.
1 healthcare / legal / nervous
2 brute / considerable / inner
3 balanced / varied / staple
4 alternative / personal / historical
increased / blood / air
6 unfair / employment / recommended
chest / acute / sharp
8 government / humanitarian / divine
3 S P E A K Work in pairs. Prepare four questions for your partner using the collocations
Exercises 1 and 2 above. Take turns to ask and answer the questions.
Have you ever tried any complementary therapies?
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