Page 189 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 189

05.09.2024, 22:48                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation

                   ON THE RIGHT TRACK

                                      Pronunciation       Reading between the lines
                                      1   12.2 Listen to the extracts from the listening on page 181. What is implied by the
                A b o u t   E n g l i s h
                                        speakers ...
                In English, sometimes
                                        1   when Alex says ‘It’s good to finally get this plan agreed.’  ?
                people say one thing
                                            I understand that your job is difficult.
                but mean something
                                          B   I think the process is much too slow.
                different. Listening
                                        2   when Nadiya says ‘I appreciate your frustration Alex,’  ?
                carefully to a person’s
                intonation can help       A   I too think the situation could be improved.
                us work out the
                                          B   It’s good that you are being direct with me.
                implied meaning, i.e.
                                        3   when Alex says ‘We have been trying to get involved for some years now.’  ?
                the meaning hidden
                                          A   It took much too long for us to be consulted.
                behind their words.
                This is called ‘reading   B   We were happy to wait to be consulted.
                between the lines’.
                                        4   when Nadiya says ‘In my view, yes it is.’  ?
                                            Other people’s opinions are not as relevant.
                                          B   Not everyone she works with shares her view.
                                      2   Work in pairs. Create a short conversation between two people with one or two
                                        phrases like those in the discussion. Give your conversation to another pair of
                                        students and ask them to read between the lines and work out the hidden meanings.
                                      Vocabulary       Multi-word verbs
                                      1   Match the multi-word verbs in bold (1–4) from the listening with their meanings (a–d).
                                        1   In recent years complaints have been mounting up  from groups such as yours.
                                        2   Community action groups like mine have to …   keep at it in order for change …
                                        3   We want to  urge them on to be more adventurous and challenge themselves …
                                        4   … we have to actually  go through with it and not just pay them lip service.
                                        a   continue trying to do something   c   increase gradually
                                          encourage someone            complete something agreed (usually difficult)
                                        b                            d
                                      2   Write the multi-word verbs from Exercise 1 next to their type and structure (a–d).
                                        a   Intransitive phrasal verb: verb + preposition
                                        b   Transitive phrasal verb: verb + (object) + preposition + (object)
                                        c   Prepositional verb: verb + preposition + object
                                        d   Phrasal prepositional verb: verb + particle + preposition + object
                                      3   Complete the sentences with the correct form of the multi-word verbs from the box.
                                        You may need to include a relevant object.

                                         bottle up   catch on   catch up with   cling on to
                                         count in   get through   get to   go without

                                        0   People should be encouraged to process their emotions   as there is plenty of
                                          evidence that   bottling them up   can lead to mental and physical health issues.
                                        1   All his days of sitting in front of the TV, mindlessly eating fast or processed food finally
                                                    when his doctor told him how much damage he’d done to his body.
                                        2   Just        the hope that your forefather’s longevity will be passed on to you.
                                        3   Perfectionism, which may seem like a positive quality, can actually be incredibly
                                          damaging as the stress  of trying to attain such levels can really   you.
                                        4   It        saying  that enjoying nature does wonders for our general wellbeing.
                                        5   In many countries, travelling by scooter or bike has really   and is now a
                                          popular and convenient way to get around in the city centre.
                                          As long as I can       my speech  without any mistakes, my parents’
                                          anniversary dinner should be a thoroughly enjoyable occasion.
                                        7   Joaquin said to     for the camping trip next weekend.
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