Page 193 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 193
05.09.2024, 22:48 Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation
Idioms Sports
1 S P E A K Read the speech bubbles below and then complete the table with your
own ideas.
Some idioms have a metaphorical or symbolic meaning based on their literal origins.
For example, step up to the plate, which means to take action in response to something,
has a more literal meaning in baseball, where it refers to standing in a position ready
to bat. These two meanings are very similar.
Once you’ve learned the ropes Make sure you train gently at Sara threw in the towel
and settled in, you’ll feel far first – don’t jump the gun and halfway through the marathon
less anxious about your new job. sign up for a marathon! because she pulled a muscle.
My boss is always moving the Johan’s resolve and determination Making sure your children’s diet
goalposts, so I never end up are what give him the upper is full of nutritional value means
looking good no matter what I do. hand when negotiating deals. they’ll have a head start in life.
Idiom Sport Literal meaning Metaphorical meaning
Learn the ropes Sailing To learn about tying knots in ropes on a boat 1
Jump the gun Athletics To start running before the sound of the 2
starting gun
Throw in the towel Boxing To throw the towel on the floor to quit a fight 3
Move the goalposts Football To change the position of the posts and make 4
the game easier or harder
Have/give the upper hand Cards To have good cards and therefore a better 5
chance of winning
To have a head start Horse racing A horse that has its head slightly in front of the 6
others at the start of a race
2 Complete the idioms with a word from the box.
A b o u t E n g l i s h
ballpark barred bowled chin target
Because idioms
have metaphorical
1 The first company quoted us a fee of $400,000 to redesign the complex. I can’t
meanings they
remember the exact figure given by the second company, but it was in the same
often exist in many
languages. There may
2 James has put a great deal of practice into his chess game, and if he continues like
be some that have
this, he’ll be on to win the national championship.
shared ideas, but the
3 Her autobiography was quite shocking really. There were no holds
actual words may
when it came to what she thought about her teammates.
be very different as
4 The generosity of his co-workers him over as he’s only been there for a
they often depend on
cultural and historical year and his leaving present was incredible.
factors. Does your
He knew he was to blame for his team losing the match, and when the coach ranted
language have idioms
and raved at him, he took it on the and didn’t complain.
or phrases to express
3 S P E A K Understanding the literal meaning of an idiom can sometimes help us
the ones in this unit?
understand the metaphorical meaning. Read the sentences in Exercise 2 and discuss
from which sports you think the idioms originated.
D i s c u s s i n g i d i o m s
Discuss the differences
in meaning between
these idioms:
• jump the gun / jump
on the bandwagon
• throw in the towel /
throw your hat in
the ring
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