Page 195 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 195

05.09.2024, 22:49                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation

                             READY FOR WRITING

                                      In the Writing  paper you have 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete two different writing
                                      tasks. The first is the compulsory Part 1 Essay task, where you should write 240–280
                                      words. In Part 2, you select from a choice of three and should write 280–320 words.
                                      Writing Part 1
                                      In Part 1, you are given two source texts which contain contrasting or complementary
                                      views. You write a discursive essay in which you summarise and evaluate the key points
                                      from both texts, using your own words as much as possible. You must also include your
                                      own ideas.
                                      Writing Part 2
                                      In Part 2, you choose one task from a choice of three. Possible tasks include: an article,
                                      a letter, a report and a review.

                                      Your writing is marked based on assessment criteria that consists of four subscales.
                                      Match the General advice A–D to the Assessment criteria 1–4 in the table below.

                  A S S E S S M E N T   C R I T E R I A

                   1                      2                    3                     4

                   Content                Communicative        Organisation          Language        

                  G E N E R A L   A D V I C E

                   A                     B                     C                     D

                   Use the appropriate   Make sure your        Use a wide range      Understand all
                   conventions for       information is        of grammatical        points of the task
                   the task type,        logically ordered     structures            and do everything
                   including  structure   and flows clearly,   and lexis and         required  by the
                   and register .        both from sentence    ensure these are      task instructions.
                   Communicate           to sentence           accurate. Where       Make sure
                   complex ideas.        and throughout        appropriate, use      everything is
                   Hold the reader’s     piece of writing.     some  less common     relevant .
                   attention .           Effectively use       vocabulary .
                                         cohesive devices
                                         and organisational
                                         patterns .

                                      S P E A K   Read the General advice again. Identify which of the areas in bold you think
                                      you are strong at, and which you need to work on. In pairs, discuss what you can do to
                                      improve on your weak points.
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