Page 199 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 199

05.09.2024, 22:49                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation

                   READY FOR WRITING

                                      Writing    Part 2 Article
                                      A youth arts magazine is running a series on the personal benefits of live entertainment.
                                      The magazine has invited readers to send in articles briefly describing a memorable
                                      experience of an in-person event involving music, arts or culture. The article should
                                      explain the advantages of attending or participating in live events and consider how this
                                      can foster better understanding of oneself and others.

                                      Write your  article.
                                      Model answer

               catch title to grab the   What’s your vibe?
                  reader’s attention
                                Little can beat the thrill of standing amongst a thronging crowd all jumping in time to   Descriptive
                                                                                              introduction to
                                the beat of their favourite group. Live cultural and arts events, be it music, theatre
                                                                                              draw the reader
                                or whatever takes your fancy, can leave us all with a feeling of rich contentment and
                                                                                              in to the writer’s
                                belonging that is hard to find elsewhere.
             writer’s own anecdote to   Personally, this came in the form of seeing my favourite musician, The Wkend, at a
                   engage reader
                                recent concert in Madrid. Even before entering the wide expanse of the stadium,
                                                                                              Highlights show vivid,
                                seeing the hordes of people queuing to enter, all with the same passion, was a complete
                                                                                              descriptive language.
                                blast – I felt like part of an unspoken group, tribe even. Once inside, this unspoken and
                                                                                              Often used when
                                immense sense of bonding just increased with every song we heard as we all moved in
                                                                                              describing personal
                                unison, as if in a trance from the music.
                  Use analogy and
                                Just think back to the last event where you could revel in your fandom. Didn’t it feel   Appeal to the reader
               comparison to enliven
                                                                                              to draw them into
                                good to be amongst crowds who really got the point of it all too? For me, and I suspect
                     your writing
                                                                                              the opinion
                                many, it’s this sense of bonding, albeit fleeting, that makes these events so magical.
                                Whether a play, some opera, or a concert, the private love you’ve had for a certain style
                                of music or production suddenly becomes public as you meet like-minded people that
                                share these long-fostered emotions. These events can give you the validation and
                                encouragement to seek out other similar kinds of entertainment, knowing that you’ll
                                always find some peers out there with whom to share it.
                                On a wider scale, these kinds of events can bring people together as they trade
                                views or music recommendations, in this way forging a sense of kinship. It gives you a
                                homogenous pack with which to identify, perhaps helping you to refine your own styles
                                and interests as well as giving you an outlet for your existing ones.
                                      A health and wellness magazine is running a series on the impact that spending time in
                                      nature can have on an individual’s health. The magazine has invited readers to send in
                                      articles describing their experiences and pursuits in the natural world. The article should
                                      describe how you experienced nature, the impact it had on your health and how society
                                      as a whole can benefit from spending more time outdoors.
                                      Write your  article in  280–320 words.

                                       U s e f u l   l a n g u a g e   f o r   a r t i c l e s
                                       Expressing opinion              Drawing the reader in
                                       In my experience, …             Just think back …
                                       I’d go so far as to say …       What would you do if …
                                       There’s no doubt that …         Have you ever considered …
                                       It’s undeniable that …          Consider …

                                       U s i n g   d e s c r i p t i v e   t e c h n i q u e s
                                       Adjective/adverb use – it was a deliberately ominous suggestion …
                                       Relative clauses – A view which could take your breath away …
                                       Similes – …the crowd moved in unison, like a wave rippling across the ocean
                                       Metaphor – The place was a zoo, mess everywhere and children climbing all over …
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