Page 202 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 202

05.09.2024, 22:50                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation

                                                                                    READY FOR WRITING

               Writing    Part 2 Review
               A style and culture magazine has invited readers to submit reviews of restaurants that are
               institutions in their local area. You decide to send in a review of a restaurant describing
               the dining experience there, as well as outlining the restaurant’s importance for the area.
               You should also say why you believe restaurants can become so meaningful to diners or

               Write your review.

                                Regans’ – A hug on a plate

                                When it comes to restaurants, many people tend to look for the next big thing, whether   Brief summary of
             Highlights show vivid,
                                                                                                what the review
                                it be a much-hyped new kind of cuisine or an unusual dining experience. Certainly,
             descriptive language
                                                                                                is about
             that reviews require
                                whimsy like this has its place in eating out, but we as diners so often tend to overlook
                                the cultural mainstays that have fed us all our lives through thick and thin. Perhaps
                                we take it for granted that they will always be there, yet they most certainly deserve
                                recognition. Regan’s is such a place.
                                Understated in its décor and totally devoid of any pomp, Regan’s has been serving
                                customers in the city’s docklands for over a hundred years. Whether for a wedding,
                                birthday or work promotion, you would be surprised to find a local anywhere in the
                                neighbourhood who doesn’t remember celebrating a special event at this institution.
                                                                                               Description of
                                                                                               the restaurant
                                While you might not get a velouté or a macerated strawberry, what you will get is
                                hearty portions of decent, honest food that will make you reminisce about what your
                                mother cooked when you were still in short trousers. And perhaps that’s what makes
                  Reasons why the
                                it the institution it is – local food, for local people, a place where you fit in and feel at
              restaurant is important
                                home. After all, restaurants aren’t just about the cuisine or the décor; they can also
                 for the community
                                fulfil a social and emotional function, and Regan’s does just that by creating a home
                                from home.
                 General comment   A restaurant is often a meeting place where we make memories, whether a proposal
                 on the importance
                                of marriage or a celebratory dinner. As such, they are places to keep close to our
                   of restaurants in
                                hearts and cherish, especially those that have been with us and the generations of our
                                families. Would I recommend Regan’s? I think the review speaks for itself. While it’s
                                                                                               Final recommendation
                                nice to get out of your culinary comfort zone on occasions, it’s well worth getting into
                                                                                               and snappy end
                                that zone too!
               Model answer
               Your college magazine is asking for reviews of films that have had a great impact on people.
               You decide to write a review about a film you saw, outlining what the film was about,
               explaining why it had such a great impact on you, and assessing how films can be much
               more than just entertainment.
               Write your review  in  280–320 words.
                U s e f u l   l a n g u a g e   f o r   r e v i e w s

                What I found particularly interesting / poignant / thought-provoking was …
                It provides a fascinating / captivating / terrifying look / insight / into …
                What makes it so excellent / dramatic / thought-provoking is …
                That’s what makes it the smash hit / cult classic / blockbuster / mainstay that it is.
                Evaluating critically          Encouraging                     Discouraging
                One element which let it down was …   I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend …   Give this a miss!
                Perhaps it’s weak link was …   Would I recommend it? It’s a no-brainer.   Avoid it like the plague.
                The (only) downside to the … was …   Don’t think twice about going/seeing/   It’s not for everyone …
                                               reading …
                One element that left it wanting was …                         It’s not worth (the entrance fee/
                                                                               the paper it was written on).
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