Page 207 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 207
05.09.2024, 22:51 Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation
Adjectives and nouns with self
S P E A K Work in pairs. Say to what extent you agree or disagree with each statement.
Justify your answers.
• My parents’ generation was more selfless and self-sacrificing than my own.
• Some societies prize self-reliance too highly. It’s perfectly fine to turn to others for help,
support and guidance.
• Too many people in this world equate self-worth with the accumulation of wealth.
• The problem with influencers on social media is that they pedal the notion that being
self-indulgent and materialistic can somehow buy you happiness.
Go back to page 5.
Writing Part 2 Report
S P E A K Read the model answer and discuss the questions.
Report on Transport in Anderford
Introduction Pinpointing the problem
Last week there was a meeting in the town hall While this problem may be solved by providing a
where citizens were called on to share their more frequent service, it was acknowledged that
concerns with regard to transport issues in such an addition may incur extra charges. A far
Anderford. Over 50 people came to the meeting more viable and more cost-effective option was
and a general consensus was reached on what the considered to be investigating the root causes
overriding issues are. of the issue and finding effective solutions, such
as altering routes to avoid traffic heavy zones.
The key issue: reliability
Another initiative that may ease the inconvenience
to travellers is to post regular live updates online,
Over 90% of those in attendance called for an
so that passengers can stay abreast of any
improvement in the reliability of public transport.
incidents or delays.
For many, buses are the only practical way of
getting around town, due to limited parking and
high car park charges in the centre. Although a
schedule is provided at stops, it was felt that buses It is my belief that, with such heavy reliance on one
do not run to this, and, on some occasions, do form of transport, the council must offer citizens an
not appear at all, despite several people reporting immediate solution to this unreliability. I strongly
having waited for over an hour. The knock-on recommend developing an app with live status
effect of this has been felt, with some passengers reports to better assist travellers with planning
subsequently being late for medical appointments, their journeys. Further investigation into factors
their jobs, trains, etc… impacting the schedule should be carried out,
and diversions or additional routes put in place as
necessary. Only once this has been undertaken
will trust be restored in the system.
1 How have they organised their report? Are there clear, appropriate headings for each part?
2 Have they answered the question and included all the relevant information?
3 Is the tone of the report correct? Underline any examples of advanced language structures and vocabulary.
Go back to page 169.
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