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05.09.2024, 22:59 Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation
teething problems minor problems that a new company, This model has had one or two teething
project, product, etc may have in problems , but we’ve managed to sort them
the beginning out.
tell (someone) a thing or two to tell someone some useful or I’m sure Felix could tell us a thing or two
interesting information about about electric cars. Shall we ask him?
someone or something
tell (someone) where to get off to tell someone very rudely that you Achim can never be trusted – she should tell
are not interested in them or in what him where to get off.
they are saying
tell it like it is to give the real facts about something, OK, I’m ready to hear the worst, just tell it like
even if they are unpleasant it is .
tell me about it used for saying that you already know ‘We’ve spent hours on the phone to the
about something unpleasant that insurance company.’ ‘ Tell me about it!’
someone has just described because
you have experienced it yourself
tell me something I don’t know used for saying in a slightly angry ‘But Jack hasn’t finished this.’ ‘ Tell me
way that you already know about something I don’t know , I’ve been trying to
something that a person is talking to sort his mess out all morning!’
you about, often because it is obvious
the bottom line the most basic fact or issue in a This won’t get better if you don’t change your
situation lifestyle. That’s the bottom line.
the pot calling the kettle black used for saying that someone is He said she was stubborn? Well, that’s the pot
criticizing another person for a fault calling the kettle black . He can never admit
that they also have he’s wrong.
the world is (someone’s) used for emphasizing that you can With those skills she’ll find work wherever she
oyster go anywhere or do anything that you wants. The world is her oyster .
want to
there’s a lot to be said for used for saying that there are many There’s a lot to be said for living with your
(something) advantages in doing something parents and saving on rent.
there’s more to (someone / used for saying that someone or Joshua might seem quiet and a little boring,
something) than meets something is more interesting, but there’s more to him than meets the eye.
the eye impressive, complicated, etc than
they seem to be
think outside the box to find new ways of doing things, We’re looking for the ability to think outside
especially of solving problems the box and come up with innovative solutions.
throw in the towel to stop trying to do something There are only three candidates now because
because you lack determination or two of them decided to throw in the towel .
because you think you cannot win
time will tell used for saying that you will know in It feels like it was the right thing to do, but time
the future whether something is true will tell .
or right
to put it mildly used for saying that the words you It was a rather awkward conversation, to put
have chosen are not as extreme as it mildly .
they could have been
touch base with (someone) to communicate with someone that I’m planning to touch base with Becks when
you have not seen for some time in I’m in Manchester.
order to find out how they are, what
is happening, etc
wet blanket someone who spoils other Don’t be a wet blanket – it’ll be fun!
people’s fun by being negative
and complaining
wild goose chase an attempt to find something that There’s no one with that name living there –
does not exist or that you are very I suspect you’ve been sent on a wild
unlikely to discover goose chase .
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