Page 255 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
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05.09.2024, 22:59                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation


               get (something) down to a   to become very good at doing   After a whole year, I’ve got my commute to
               fine art                 something, especially something   work down to a fine art .
               get (something) off your chest   to talk to someone about something   You’re looking worried. Is there anything you
                                        that has been worrying you, so that   want to  get off your chest , Ria?
                                        you feel better about it
               get off on the wrong foot   to immediately establish a bad   I’m not sure why, but somehow Mike and I
                                        relationship with someone when you   got off on the wrong foot when I joined the
                                        first meet them or first start working   company .
                                        with them
               get the wrong end of the stick   to understand something completely   That’s not what she means at all. You ’ve got
                                        incorrectly                   the wrong end of the stick.
               get your wires crossed   if two people get their wires crossed,   Sorry, I thought we were going to Paola’s
                                        they become confused because   house first. We must have got our wires
                                        they each think that the other one is   crossed  .
                                        talking about something else
               give (someone) the creeps   to make someone feel nervous or   Having to walk through the forest at night  gave
                                        frightened                    me the creeps .
               give (someone) the upper   to give someone control or an   The break for rain seems to have  given the
               hand                     advantage over a person or situation   Australian team  the upper hand in the match.
               go back to the drawing board   to try to think of a completely new   OK, we’ll just have to go back to the drawing
                                        idea because the one that you tried   board  and think of something else.
                                        before was not successful
               go down a storm          to be very popular            We’ve changed the recipe and the new version
                                                                      is going down a storm  with customers.
               go round in circles      to do something for a long time   There’s no point in continuing this debate,
                                        without achieving any results   we’re just going round in circles .
                                        because you always return to the
                                        same problem that you cannot solve                           
               go-getter                someone who is determined to   They only want to recruit go-getters who will
                                        succeed and who works hard to   make sacrifices in order to succeed.
                                        achieve this
               grey area                a situation in which the rules are not   I’m afraid I can’t give a definite answer to that
                                        clear, or in which you are not sure   question as it’s still something of  a grey area.
                                        what is right or wrong
               hands down               without any doubt             It’s  hands down the best restaurant in town.
               hard up                  not having much money         I’m not sure Lance can afford to come – he’s
                                                                      pretty hard up  at the moment.
               have a chip on your shoulder   to be likely to become angry or   Wim is really jealous about it, but then he’s
                                        offended very easily, especially   always  had a chip on his shoulder.
                                        about something that other people
                                        think should not upset you
               have a head start        to have an advantage over other   Students who do the course will have a head
                                        people in the same situation as you,   start when applying for jobs.
                                        especially in a competition
               in a tight spot          in a difficult situation      I’m  in a bit of a tight spot – can I borrow
                                                                      some money for a couple of weeks?
               in the clear             no longer believed to be guilty of   It’s been confirmed now that you weren’t there
                                        something bad or illegal      at the time – you’re  in the clear.
               in the pipeline          being planned or prepared in order   The band has a new album  in the pipeline .
                                        to happen or be available soon
               in the same ballpark     not calculated exactly, but within a   Tom’s on a good salary and although I don’t
                                        similar general range         know what Sam earns, I’d guess it’s  in the
                                                                      same ballpark.
               it’s news to me          used for saying that you didn’t know   ‘So Natalia is having a party when you’re away.’
                                        about something, especially when   ‘Really?  It’s news to me!’
                                        you are annoyed about this
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