Page 251 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
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05.09.2024, 22:58 Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation
M: Yes, it could be. these kinds of things for charity. I think we can. I’m always borrowing things from
that’s an even bigger achievement! them and giving and asking for advice.
S: It could even be a father and daughter,
Overall, I think it’s a much better way to be.
S: Yes?
and this is just an everyday occurrence –
where they play and really enjoy just being I: Thank you. Mario, are you a competitive
M: Yeah, because they are doing something
together. I say that because I could totally person?
hard, but for other people.
imagine that being me and my father when
M: Yes, I suppose a little. I do a lot of
S: Well, let’s go with that then. I agree with
I was little. swimming, and although I do it for me
you. Picture one is probably the best for
I: Thank you. personally… because I enjoy it, I also find
the article. I think it‘s got the most global
the competition side very exciting. I was
appeal, rather than the others that just
quite competitive at school too with my
focus on certain sections of society.
exam results… always comparing them
I = Interlocutor S = Sofia People can buy houses because they’ve
against my friends. But I always wanted
got rich parents, or win some money. It’s
M = Mario
my friends to do well too. I think just a
not always like an achievement, it can be
I: Now, I’d like you to imagine that a lifestyle
small dose of competition is probably a
down to luck essentially, whereas running
magazine is planning an article on the
good thing. It makes us try harder.
a marathon is different.
theme of personal achievement. They
I: How about you?
M: Yeah, anyone can do it, and it’s
want a picture to accompany the article.
something that requires dedication and S: No, not really. I suppose in some areas
Talk together about the ways in which
determination. One hundred per cent. I am maybe a little bit competitive. I’ve
these activities contribute to personal
entered a few competitions online to try to
I: Thank you. Can I have the pictures
achievement, as shown in these pictures.
win things, like concert tickets, but
Then, decide on which image you think
I never have. I’m not a very sporty person
would be best to use. You have about
0.8 so those kinds of competitions aren’t
three minutes to talk about this.
really my cup of tea.
I = Interlocutor S = Sofia
M: It’s an interesting subject, isn’t it? For
I: Thank you. Now, Mario, it’s your turn to be
me, it’s very obvious in picture four that M = Mario
given a question. Here’s your card. Please
it is about personal achievement. She’s a
I: Now, in this part of the test you’re each
let Sofia see your card. Remember, Mario
young woman, and the picture indicates
going to talk on your own for about two
you have about two minutes to speak and
that she’s just bought a house.
minutes. You need to listen while your
there are some ideas on the card to use if
S: Yes, she looks very pleased. It’s not
partner is speaking because you’ll be
you like. All right?
asked to comment afterwards. So, Sofia
M: Ohh! I find this question interesting. As
M: I think those are the keys of the house… I am going to give you a card with a
someone who does sports myself, I’m
the house keys. That’s something to be question written on it and I’d like you to
quite a big fan of large events like the
proud of, don’t you think? tell us what you think. There are also some
Olympics or the World Cup. In terms of
ideas on the card for you to use if you
S: Yes, especially being so young. That
benefits, well, I think there are…is… an
makes it quite a significant achievement. like. All right? Here’s your card. Please let
overwhelming amount of benefits to these
Mario see the card. Remember Sofia, you
She looks over the moon to me.
kinds of sporting events. To start off with,
have about two minutes to talk before we
M: Yes, she does. Let’s look at image three
they provide amazing entertainment for
join in. Would you like to begin now?
people all around the world. You just need
S: I think competition can be a double-edged
S: I don’t think I’d use picture three as I can’t to look at a World Cup for example, and
sword. There are lots of advantages and
really see how it’s related to achievement.
see the happiness in the faces of the fans
disadvantages to competition in all walks
What’s your opinion? on the screen. I truly believe people at
of life. In my opinion, in terms of sports,
M: Yes, I’m not sure either. It looks like they home feel the same way. I know I do.
the sense of competition is the main
are rehearsing for a play.
I think these events also encourage
reason that people like to take part and
people to have a more international
S: Maybe it’s about writing a play or being an
train so hard too. It spurs them on to be
outlook. Viewers often become interested
the best in their field. I mean, would we
about the host nation and want to know
M: Well, being a famous actor would probably
ever have had so many records broken if
more about them. I remember when the
be quite a good achievement.
people didn’t want to win against others?
Olympic games were held in Rio in Brazil,
S: On second thoughts, it could be about
I’d probably say no. Also, it would make
and my uncle and his friends went to it
getting outside of your comfort zone. After
for pretty boring TV too, if sports had no
and came back telling incredible stories of
all, not everyone likes being up on stage.
sense of competition. Could you imagine
what Rio was like. I think we could call him
But maybe we should rule that picture out a football match without scoring goals?!
a… Brazilophile after that experience. But
anyway. Who would watch that?
you don’t need to go there in the flesh to
M: Yes.
Competition at work, well, I think that’s
see that kind of thing.
a bit different. People are usually
S: I mean, the link between the picture and
Normally the coverage on TV shows, not
competitive in jobs because they want
the topic of the article isn’t immediately
just sporting things, but cultural elements
obvious. I’m not very keen on two either. to get promoted or get noticed and by
too, and we can all learn something from
that I mean getting noticed for the right
M: Really? Why not?
reasons, instead of getting noticed for
S: I don’t know. I suppose it’s just a bit
I would say that there aren’t many
doing something wrong. But, I’m not
vague. I mean, can you “achieve” having a
drawbacks to these kinds of competitions.
sure it’s the best attitude to have in the
Some people might think that it causes
workplace. In many jobs, being a team
M: Hmmm…. I see what you mean. some anti-social behaviours like when
player is an important skill and I think
football hooligans get violent but I think
S: Also, even if it’s just a relative playing with
more competitive people aren’t always
this is isolated. In my view, international
a child, I’m not sure that’s really about
great team players. On top of that, at
sporting events bring everybody together,
achievement. In my mind, that would be
work, being very competitive can be quite
more about contentment in your life. You not pull them apart. I also imagine that
selfish, I believe. People can do all sorts of
it brings in a lot of money to the host
don’t really achieve being an uncle, do
things to get one up on their colleagues…
country, and the people in the country too.
you? It’s not something you do.
it’s not a very nice trait. No, I’m not really
Also, governments can turn a whole area
M: No, I suppose not. For me, it’s between
sure I see the benefits of workplace
around when a sporting event is coming
one and four.
competition. I know I’d like to just be
to their country. Look at Barcelona.
S: Yes, I’m torn between the same two. They happy at work, not trying to be better than
When the Olympics were there, the local
are just more obviously linked to what the
the rest and vying against my workmates
government transformed some parts of
article’s about.
all the time.
the city and they’ve stayed this way.
I also see no reason why anyone would
M: If I had to make a decision, then perhaps
I: Thank you. Sofia, do you think competition
want to compete with their friends for
I’d go for picture one. The one thing that
in sports in general is a positive thing?
anything at all. I’m not a competitive
stands out for me is that they’ve done
S: To be honest, I’m not really sure. Some
person and my friends aren’t either. In
something… challenging… and their sense
people have more sporting ability than
of happiness. Also, sometimes people do fact, we support each other as much as
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