Page 248 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 248

05.09.2024, 22:57                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation

               M: I’m so sorry to hear that. We’ve got a   transport, municipal buildings, hospitality   achievements of disabled hikers in places
                 complaints form if you’d like to…   and tourism. These sectors have been   with proper access. It’s about getting
                                                                               everyone on board to change the mindset
                                                making great strides in accessibility either
               W: When I spoke to you before, you advised
                                                due to legal obligations or for commercial   of wider society.
                 me to fill out a complaint form, which I
                                                reasons. It sends a positive message
                 did and I’ve heard zero back. I want some                   I:   Yes, I see how they could be really
                                                about inclusivity that is absent in our
                 action here! Look at the place… it’s littered                 meaningful to a lot of people. How have
                                                national parks.
                 with rubbish and it’s all from your groups                    the parks service employees reacted to
                 here. I don’t mind you putting things on for   I:   Nadiya, how would you respond to that?   these workshops?
                 the most vulnerable, but they shouldn’t be
                                              N:   The National Parks Service is fully   N:   Very enthusiastically in all the parks we’ve
                 lurking around outside at all hours. One
                                                committed to improving accessibility and   tried them in. Working with Alex on this
                 of them even went off at an old man last   is working hard to implement positive   has not only been really enlightening
                 week, I saw it for myself. No, it’s not on
                                                changes in this area as soon as possible.   but also given us a fresh perspective
                 at all.
                                                We understand full well that disabled   on why it’s needed. Actually, among the
                                                                               national parks and other organisations
               M: Ah yes, I remember your form now. I’ve   people have as much right as everyone
                 taken it to the manager, and she should be   else and are just as keen to get out and   that manage outdoor spaces, there are
                 in touch with you about it. I’m sorry I can’t   about in our beautiful natural spaces.   plenty of initiatives being thought up, but
                 help more.                     In recent years complaints have been   the key thing is that we have to actually go
                                                                               through with them and not just pay them
                                                mounting up from groups such as yours,
               W: Well, I should hope so too. And I’m not the
                                                Alex, and after a lot of consultation with   lip service. Unfortunately, some of these
                 only one… I’m sticking up for the whole
                                                charities, local government and health   plans can lay idle on someone’s desk,
                 community here. Everyone has had it up
                                                experts, I believe we’ve now got a solid   gathering dust while other things take
                 to here.
                                                and workable proposal finalised which   priority.
               Extract three
                                                will improve access for wheelchair users,
                                                                             I:   Ah, right. And do you have any way of
               I:   Matt Reid, thank you for joining us today.
                                                as well as for people with other health
                                                                               addressing this?
                 So, for any budding transport planners
                                                conditions or impairments.
                                                                             N:   We’re trying to make Alex and groups
                 out there, can you give us what you
                                              A:   It’s good to finally get this plan agreed,
                                                                               like hers more of an integral part of what
                 consider the most important factors when
                                                but it is a shame that it takes so much
                                                                               we do.
                 planning routes?
                                                effort to move things in the right direction.
                                                                             A:   And we are delighted to bring a raft of
               M: Good question. The paramount factor
                                                Community action groups like mine have
                                                                               experience to the table.
                 has to be safety, and planners like me
                                                to constantly pile on the pressure and
                 have to anticipate any potential hazards –
                                                keep at it in order for change, however   0.1
                 these could be blind spots, bottlenecks
                                                frustrating the process can be.
                 et cetera.. But after that, I suppose it’s
                                                                             N = Newsreader   W = Woman
                                              N:   I appreciate your frustration Alex, but we
                 thinking about all the road users – not just
                                                                             M = Man   I = Interviewer
                                                are making progress. We’ve come a long
                 car drivers… because people aren’t very
                                                                             Mi = Minister
                                                way in the last decade, and I agree that
                 sympathetic towards a new route when
                                                                             Extract 1
                                                we mustn’t let up now. One of the largest
                 it’s more inconvenient. And no detail is
                                                obstacles that I think the National Parks   N:   The city centre is seeing its fifth day of
                 too small when it comes to factoring in
                                                Service faces is a lack of funding both
                                                                               gridlocked traffic thanks to the closure
                 problems. Take for example the bridge
                                                government and private. What we’re trying
                                                                               of the south side of the inner ring road.
                 that was added near the town hall. Lorry                                            
                                                to do with our latest funding applications
                                                                               The road is closed to allow repairs to the
                 drivers were, understandably, up in arms
                                                is highlight the benefits of spending   tarmac to take place. However, residents
                 about it because, well, while height was
                                                time in nature and make it clear that the   only learned about this closure through
                 considered, the tunnel underneath couldn’t
                                                National Parks Service has a responsibility
                                                                               social media posts of photos as the cones
                 fit wide loads.
                                                to provide access for all citizens. That’s   were put in place to block off entrance
               I:   That must be rather tricky!
                                                why we’re now consulting people like Alex
                                                                               and exit points to the road. The council
               M: Not really, nowadays we can model
                                                to help us present our case.   had said that the roadworks were due to
                 these kinds of things, which really takes
                                              I:   And do you think that this is a good   take place towards the beginning of last
                 the headache out of working out any
                                                                               month, and duly notified city residents,
                                                approach Alex?
                 unintended problems before they happen.
                                                                               but due to issues with materials, this
                                              A:   We have been trying to get more involved
                 The real uphill battle can be working with
                                                                               had to be delayed. No further updates
                                                for some years now, so yes. However,
                 multiple stakeholders who all tend to have
                                                                               were issued however. Local residents,
                                                there is not much that we can do when it
                 their own agenda… and these don’t always
                                                                               hauliers and taxi drivers are only some
                                                comes to attracting investment. We can
                 meet in the middle. Fortunately, this has
                                                                               of the groups to have severely criticised
                                                definitely continue to make the case for
                 never resorted to full-blown arguments, but
                                                                               what they consider to be the council’s
                                                the health benefits though.
                 it hasn’t always been pleasant!
                                                                               ineptitude, inundating their offices with
                                              I:   Is this a fair assessment of the situation in
                                                                               calls of complaint. In a statement to us this
               12.1                             your view Nadiya?
                                                                               afternoon, the council, while explaining
                                              N:   In my view, yes, it is. We see the role
               I = Interviewer   A = Alex
                                                                               the necessity of the works, remains
                                                of community action groups as more
               N = Nadiya                                                      defiant in the face of the complaints of
                                                connected with campaigning and
                                                                               citizens. A response which will almost
               I:   Today we’re discussing access to
                                                raising awareness among the disabled
                                                                               certainly leave citizens wanting further
                 hiking trails in our outdoor spaces and
                                                community. Their data gathering is also a
                 specifically national parks. With me are
                                                valuable support.
                 Alex Rogers from local community action                     Extract 2
                                              A :    We focus on encouraging participation;
                 group, Access All Areas, who advocate
                                                                             W: Did you see the news last night? They had
                                                you know, taking groups of wheelchair
                 for improved access for people with
                                                                               scenes from all over the US – it appears
                                                users on a hike to give them the
                 disabilities, and Nadiya Thompson from
                                                                               that the cold snap has really hit them hard.
                                                confidence they need to open their eyes
                 the National Parks Service. Alex, let’s start
                                                                             M: It’s incredible really, how the infrastructure
                                                to the possibilities. We want to urge them
                 with you. Could you give us an outline
                                                                               there just isn’t prepared for extreme
                                                on to be more adventurous and challenge
                 of what the key issues are for disabled
                                                                               weather. Especially as blistering cold
                                                themselves through outdoor activities
                 people in this particular context.
                                                                               weather isn’t really anything new for them.
                                                like hiking. More than just inspirational,
               A:   Sure. Our countryside is criss-crossed by
                                                their lived experiences can be very   W: Well actually, I read that apparently these
                 a network of fantastic walking and hiking
                                                                               acute cold weather events are getting
                                                powerful at persuading people of the
                 trails, many of which can be found in
                                                                               fewer and further between, so maybe
                                                need to upgrade paths and trails so that
                 national parks, and yet the vast majority
                                                they are wheelchair-friendly and cater   that’s why it’s caused so much havoc.
                 of them are completely inaccessible
                                                                               I mean, why plan for the unexpected?
                                                for people with other disabilities, such as
                 to those people living with disabilities.
                                                prosthetic limbs. We have started running   It’s really the animals I feel sorry for rather
                 This is in contrast to many urban settings
                                                                               than us humans…
                                                works  hops for the national parks  service
                 where provision is quickly becoming more
                                                employees so they can learn about the
                 widespread. I mean just think about public
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