Page 247 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 247
05.09.2024, 22:57 Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation
O: Well, often I’m part of a team working on
Speaker 2
a collection and at the outset there’ll be
I had reservations at the outset to be honest. 1 Only later did I discover that they’d gone
at least one art historian and a chemist or
The network had gotten itself all worked up way over budget on the CGI.
forensic art expert tasked with working
about a movie version of Gina Lee’s latest
2 Had I known how it would end up, I
this out. Sometimes we work to deadlines,
novel and asked me to write the screenplay.
would have definitely approached things
but more often than not it’s contingent on
I suppose I was flattered even though it was
the problems we uncover as we go along.
a daunting task to say the least. Anyway,
3 Never have I been involved in such a
Working out how to cope with something
one day, all of a sudden, production halted,
disastrous film adaptation of a book.
we hadn’t foreseen can mean the deadline
and we were all sent home. Only later did I
4 No sooner had they started coordinating
goes out the window. For large museums
discover that they’d gone way over budget
the discussions than the production
and country houses or palaces, getting
on the CGI and the investors had pulled out
schedule got back on track.
it right is paramount so actually they’re
so, the whole thing was shelved. But at least
usually quite generous. The objects
I now know that, were I to ever get asked to 10.4
restored have to be historically accurate
be involved in something similar, I should
S = Stefan C = Carla
before they are allowed to go on display to
just walk away – it’s not worth the stress
the public.
S: As I see it, reading is the most valuable
regardless of any promises of potential box
E: Mmm. I see. I’m not sure I’d be any
skill we can give our children. It’s
office fortunes.
good at heading up that kind of project, fundamental to getting on in life and I’m
Speaker 3
I wouldn’t like to be constantly juggling a firm believer in parents taking every
so many bits and pieces, but the team Had I known how it would end up, I would opportunity they can to read with their
aspect sounds nice. As it stands my job have definitely approached things differently.
It turns out that subtitling is actually really
can be a bit solitary – you know, isolated
C: Well, I’m not sure that forcing children to
technical, but we wanted to avoid having to
up in the studio for hours on end, not
read more than they want to is particularly
that I’m complaining. I’m not sure I want hire a load of dubbing actors. With all the
someone around all the time, but I’d often characters in the film, it would have taken
S: Um, sorry. What I meant to say was
quite like to be able to get someone to forever and been incompatible with our
parents should read with their children
schedules. And the production team was
cast an eye over what I’m doing when
often, but in a way that generates a love
I’m painting something like a Rembrandt. pretty bilingual, so we went with subtitling
for it.
You have to painstakingly layer on the instead, thinking it would be way less
C: Ah, okay I see what you mean. You know
colours and gradually build it up – it’s quite effort. But it soon became apparent that
it doesn’t always follow that children who
time-consuming and tiring and you can there’s much more to it than meets the eye.
read a lot continue to do so as adults.
lose focus if you’re not careful. Obviously, Subtitling is all about where you split the
Reading can become more or less
you have the option of going back and sentences to fit logical sections on to the
attractive at different times in our lives.
screen so that people can follow what’s
correcting what you’ve done but I find that
S: Hmm. Now you mention it, maybe
going on, but with these never-ending
disrupts my flow.
it depends on the child and their
monologues from some of the characters
O: Yes, I see what you mean. With what I do,
circumstances. As you say, we all change
it was a nightmare and we had to get some
there’s quite a lot of stop start since we’re
our interests even as young children and
actual closed caption specialists in to review
working on small parts of a painting rather
everything at the last minute, which was
than the whole thing at once. It’s vital to
unimaginably stressful.
regularly step away from the microscope
to check what we’re doing fits in with the
Speaker 4
C = Councillor W = Woman
work, and we haven’t accidentally made a
Never have I been involved in such a
section look out of place. Anyway, going M = Man I = Interviewer M = Matt
disastrous film adaptation of a book. As the
back to the time issue, what about
Extract one
lead scriptwriter I should have been more
your clients – do they have reasonable
C: We want our city to be the envy of the
outspoken and dismissed their suggestions
expectations as to what is achievable in
country, somewhere that people can look
out of hand. I know that there’s a place for
their timeframe? How do you go about
up to as a place ahead of its time. As such,
artistic licence, but I should have stood my
managing this?
we’re inviting all residents to consult on
ground. I tried to warn the production team
E: I have a fairly reliable approach actually,
our plans to raise the quality of life here
not to cast an actor with blond hair if they
which always works, which is to meet with
for all residents via new technologies.
didn’t want to alienate the legions of fans
the customer and talk through timescales
Plans that past councils have woefully
loyal to the book. For them the protagonist’s
and prices, but I have an ace up my sleeve!
neglected to implement. The proposal
flaming red hair is fundamental to his
I show them three examples of the same
we have encompasses a range of
character. Then, inexplicably, they decided
painting – one which took a couple of days
green, smart initiatives from monitoring
to omit the part where he abandons his
to complete and the others which took a
pollution levels to wildlife counts, as well
homeland, the very part that drives most of
couple of weeks and a month respectively.
as creating ‘green buildings’ – spaces
the narrative. Instead, they gave the film a
They soon get the picture so to speak.
at one with nature and accessible to all.
romantic slant for reasons best known to
We’re also proposing enhancements in
themselves. It’s not surprising it bombed
cycling provisions around the city, like
spectacularly at the box office.
bike lanes and information on rentable
Speaker 1
Speaker 5
bike availability which, we hope, will be an
The recording should have been
We wanted to stimulate good discussions incremental step in making commuting
straightforward since we’d contracted an
amongst professionals in order to get the not just easy, but carbon zero. We believe
experienced freelancer, so we only had the
most accurate translation, so we had our it is an exciting time for our city, but we
studio for two days. The author, some up-
translators work in mini groups of three for want to narrow down your priorities as
and-coming novelist who was on the radar of
each language. We expected them to self- residents in terms of smart cities and
the literary magazines, decided she wanted
manage and were pretty hands off at the that’s where we need you. We’ll be holding
to come to the recording, which I thought
public consultations over the coming
beginning. What we did not predict however,
would be a nice touch. Well, it was an utter
was such vastly different team dynamics months, and everybody is welcome to
disaster; she kept interrupting the voice
and so our schedule went out the window as air their views. There is a full proposal
artist to explain how she wanted certain lines
some teams got on with it while others went document which can be downloaded from
delivered. This obviously didn’t go down well,
the council website, so please do take a
round in circles. Anyway, we acted fast and
and they went back and forth bickering about
look and get to know our propositions in
got two of our in-house project managers to
it for hours. At the end of day one, we’d barely
step in and impose some kind of order. No more depth.
even finished the first chapter. I had no one
sooner had they started coordinating the
Extract two
to blame except myself though and next time
discussions than the production schedule
W: Look I’ve really had about enough of this
I won’t get carried away with any notions of
got back on track, and we managed to
bringing people together to collaborate on an centre, and I want you to do something
publish the translations simultaneously in
audiobook and will just get it done. about it for a change.
China, Brazil, Germany and Turkey.
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