Page 244 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 244
05.09.2024, 22:57 Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation
Z: Hey! thanks for the vote of confidence. crafted kitchenware, millennials posting
I guess no one knows what’s around hours of videos on cosmetic techniques, the
M = Man W = Woman
the corner. list is endless. To be honest, much of the
Conversation 1
creative output is mediocre at best which
J: True. Supposing your job was remote, like
M: Did you hear what happened to Katie? a digital nomad, so all you need is a laptop then begs the question of why people are
willing to spend countless hours trying to
W: No, what’s that? Spill the beans! and your passport and you’re good to go.
grow a side hustle, yet they seem incapable
Where would you go?
M: Well, I’m not really sure I should really.
of devoting the same energy levels to their
Z: Um, well, so long as money were no object
W: Come on! Don’t beat around the bush! Tell
career in marketing or retail. After all, one
and I could afford to come back and see
brings clear and obvious paths to increased
my family as and when I wanted, I think I’d
M: Well… she’s been fired from her job!
wealth over time whereas the prospect of an
opt for a village in the mountains. I wouldn’t
W: Katie?! No way…but she’s normally so
actual, sustainable income from the other is
want to be too isolated, but I’ve always
responsible. What did she do?
far lower.
wondered what it would be like to just pack
M: I’m not totally sure. It was news to me! And
But the tantalising promise of being master of
up and move on whenever you fancied
probably to her too!
your own destiny seems to have much more
a change.
Conversation 2 appeal for some. There’s that famous quote
J: Mmm, I can see this working for you, but I
that gets attributed to various philosophers
W: When you send the agenda out, can you let
suspect I’m in my comfort zone workwise.
me know please? which claims that if you choose a job you
I can’t see me moving on anytime soon.
love, you’ll never work a day in your life, the
M: I’ve already done it – I thought it was ready.
Extract three
implication being that doing something you
W: Oh no! I had to make some tweaks to it.
I: So, Nick Morgan personal finance advisor
love will bring more meaning to your life or
Well, don’t worry, I think we probably got
at Life & Futures always gives us some real
to your career. This is in contrast to jobs that
our wires crossed. I wanted you to just
food for thought on making our money go
feel more burdensome because they don’t
double check it.
further on everyday expenses, but there’s
spark a sense of feeling joy even if they come
M: Oh, I’m sorry. something that he’s keen to talk about in
with a hefty pay check.
more detail today. Over to you Nick.
W: Don’t worry. Can you make sure the
Added to that is the sheer number of online
catering is all organised? I think it’s going to N: Thanks, Jess. Okay, well, I’ve been getting
videos about ‘how I made millions from such
be a long meeting if you catch my drift… some emails from listeners asking for
and such a hobby’. It is quite astonishing
advice about what to do in the event that
M: Yes, there are some quite difficult items on
to see how content of this type has soared
an unexpected expense arose. These
the agenda.
as well as the number of hits that some of
happen far more frequently than you
W: Still, it will be nice to catch up with all the
these videos get. This relentless promotion
might imagine, and even if you don’t
other department heads…
of working for yourself from these self-styled
earn plenty of money, it’s not that hard to
business experts that claim to have foolproof
6.1 future-proof your finances in order to give
ways for all of us to make millions out of our
you some peace of mind. Or at the very
W = Woman J = Jacob Z = Zandra hobbies is real clickbait.
least feel like you’re somewhat prepared.
What I want to know though is whether or
I = Interviewer N = Nick
Just putting aside a small amount per week
not side hustles are too good to be true?
Extract one
would mean you’d build up a large enough
When you think about the number of hours
nest egg soon enough in case of any
W: Provided that you don’t want to earn a
people are putting into these side hustles,
nasty surprises. Then there won’t be any
fortune, the job is great. I mean the hours
one wonders whether they would be better
are not for everyone, you’re on duty from stress or panic if, for instance, a household
off channelling their energy elsewhere in
the crack of dawn until whenever the appliance breaks down without warning.
their lives.
clients want, but if they’re good people, and
I: Yes, I see what you mean. Squirrelling
It turns out that there are three main
you get the right captain, being First Officer
money away little and often could help
categories of side hustle. One is freelancing,
is not a bad job at all. You’re responsible make sure life ticks along a lot more
that is selling your professional skills to
for supporting the captain and offering
companies for a fee determined by yourself.
those extra touches that really make the
N: Indeed. When it comes to money, we
This is nothing new, but with the rise of
difference and guarantee the onboard
want our resources to gradually swell over
online working, these people are able to be
experience is second to none, which I find
time as opposed to everything being a
digital nomads. The key to earning power is
really fulfilling. Not to mention the fact that
rollercoaster. And this really just comes
in the words ‘professional skills’. Contrast
you get to sail these amazing vessels in
down to being sensible. Unfortunately,
that with the gig workers delivering food
some spectacular locations.
there’s no magic bullet here.
or using the family vehicle as a taxi. These
The downside is that the number of good
people sit at the bottom of the side hustle
crewing jobs has plummeted in recent
ladder when it comes to income and do
years, largely due to the soaring costs of When it comes to work, we humans have
not get a snappy job title. Their existence
always been tempted to shun hard graft
fuel. The knock-on effect has been that
serves as a reminder of how the idea of a
in favour of earning a quick buck for no
a lot of people have realised that they’re
side hustle being something desirable rather
paying through the nose for their hobby real effort. Some of these get-rich-quick
than necessary has been co-opted by tech
and that it’s no longer financially viable. schemes are nefarious scams selling
start-ups and large corporations. Finally there
People generally think that yacht owners products of dubious quality. Some could even
is the entrepreneur who creates a scalable
are rolling in it, but you’d be surprised. be described as downright criminal, such
business from scratch and represents the
Most people are drawn to them for the as asking people to invest in non-existent
ideal of this whole concept – while the risks
same reason as me – they love sailing, not companies. But in recent years a more
may be high, the carrot of greater rewards is
the flashy lifestyle that people associate wholesome variety has emerged. Enter the
forever present and achievable for a few.
with them. And of course, the range of side hustle. Essentially this is just a second
crafts is vast so anyone can own one if they job, but it has morphed into an attitude
want, even if their budget isn’t enormous. towards life for many, or perhaps even an
I = Interviewer H = Helena
extension of their identity.
Extract two
A = Anthony
The phrase was coined in the 1950s but it
Z: I really wish I had a job that allowed me
wasn’t until the early 21st century that it really I: Today, we’re talking to acclaimed film
to travel more. Sitting in that office all day,
took off with the rise of the internet and the director, Antony Murphy, and Helena
with a view of the car park is so depressing,
gig economy. They presented opportunities
Fitzpatrick, an expert on psychology of film
it’s like life is passing me by.
for entrepreneurship that many people hadn’t and lecturer at Central University. Both
J: We’re all in the same boat here though.
previously considered and enabled those masters of mystery in their own way today,
It doesn’t look like any of us is going to quit
with a pioneering spirit to capitalise on their we hope to unlock the secret of why people
and have a massive career change any
untapped creative skills and talents. love a mystery so much and what tricks are
time soon, does it?!
Many of these side hustles combine the used to keep viewers hooked. So, Antony,
some people call you the master of this
internet and creativity: online stores selling
genre, tell us how you keep the audience
thousands of items of jewellery or hand-
on the edge of their seats…
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