Page 239 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
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05.09.2024, 22:56                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation

               READY FOR GRAMMAR

               12   V e r b  p a t t e r n s
                                                              B Infinitives with to
               A Gerunds
               Gerunds are used:                              Infinitives with to can be used:
               •   as the subject, object or complement of a verb.   •   after certain verbs (e.g. appeal, arrange, deserve, dread,
                                                                hesitate, manage, offer, prepare, pretend, succumb,
                 Working from home has multiple benefits.
                                                                struggle, vow)
               •   after prepositions as well as after certain phrases (e.g.
                                                                I  dread to think what would have happened if you
                 have difficulty / problems, there’s no / little point, it’s no
                                                                hadn’t been there.
                 good / use, it’s not worth )
                                                              •   as the subject, although this is less common.
                 There’s little point starting a diet if we’re going
                 travelling next month.                         To stay calm while all around you is panic is one of the
                                                                hardest skills to master.
               •   after certain verbs (e.g. anticipate, contemplate, handle,
                 imagine, miss, prevent, propose, risk, tolerate)   •   after for  + subject. However, this is more common when
                                                                preceded by it is.
                 Why would you risk damaging your health in that way?
                                                                For them to lose now is a disaster.
                 NB Some of the verbs above can follow the structure
                 verb + object + ing                            It is a disaster for them to lose now.
                 I can’t imagine him making it to the top division.   •   after certain adjectives (e.g.  eager, elated, formidable,
                                                                reluctant, stunned, traumatic, thrilled)
               •   after an object with certain verbs, especially when
                 describing repeated actions or those in progress. (e.g.   The public were stunned to find out that the winner
                 catch, discover, find, hear, leave, notice, see, spot, watch )   had cheated.
                 The teacher left the students doing  their homework.   •   in a perfect form to refer to things that may or may not
                                                                have happened in the past.
               •   to explain that something is not permitted or not a
                 possibility, we use no + ing                   He pretended to have been on the diet for months so
                                                                he could get compensation.
                 There’s no taking photos during the match.
                                                                In a non-finite clause, the perfect infinitive can refer to
               •   to create a noun phrase in the structure the  + ing  + of +
                                                                events which happened (or could have but didn’t).
                                                                To have gone to an Elvis Presley concert must have
                 The eating of unhealthy food at schools contributes to
                                                                been incredible.
                 the country’s obesity epidemic.
                                                              •   after certain nouns (e.g. ability , capacity, chance,
                 The burning of calories happens naturally throughout
                                                                decision, determination, mistake, proposal, tendency
                 the day, but we can aid it with movement and exercise.
                                                                way, willingness ).
               •   in formal English, we can use a possessive pronoun +
                                                                It was a mistake to open  the community centre in the
                 gerund to replace object pronouns + gerund when the
                 subject of the main verb and the gerund differ.
                                                              •   to express purpose and result.
                 Do you mind my taking this seat? = more formal
                                                                He takes those pills  to help his arthritis.
                 Do you mind me taking this seat? = more informal
                                                                When the subject of the infinitive is different from the
                 to indicate who is doing an action after a possessive
                                                                subject of the sentence we use  for.
                 ’s. This structure is not usually used with verbs of the
                 senses, e.g. hear, see, feel, etc.             We went to the class to show Matt what it was like /
                                                                We went to the class for  Matt  to see what it was like.
                 Rachel’s lashing out  at me over the smallest things is
                 really starting to wear me down.             •   after only  to indicate a surprising or frustrating
                                                                subsequent event.
                 The entire sports club turned out to celebrate Kyle’s
                 winning  the marathon.                         They battled through the rain to get to the match only
                                                                to discover it had been cancelled.
                 In informal English, the possessive ’s is often dropped.
                                                              •   when certain verbs of liking are used after would.
                 The entire sports club turned out to celebrate Kyle
                 winning  the marathon.                         I don’t go to the park often, but I’d hate not to have it
                                                              •   in informal English we can split the infinitive. This
                                                                should generally be avoided in formal English.
                                                                Adam started to gradually cut out sugar  from his diet.
                                                                The doctor decided to immediately address the issue
                                                                with the patient.
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