Page 235 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 235

05.09.2024, 22:55                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation

               READY FOR GRAMMAR

               11   R e p o r t i n g  s t r u c t u r e s  1
               Verb patterns with that                        3   Verb + object + to infinitive

               1   Verb + that + clause (that can be left out of many   e.g. authorise , beg, bribe, call on, convince, encourage,
                 informal structures of this type)              nag, plead (with), urge, warn
                 e.g. add, agree, announce, argue, boast, concede,   The local council have  encouraged all inner-
                 consider, doubt, echo, estimate, feel, forewarn, go on   city residents to use public transport with a new
                 to say, imply, insist, mention, mumble, mutter, predict,   reimbursement scheme.
                 reckon, remark, report, snap, suppose, warn
                                                                The police  warned them not to park there, so they’re
                 The Chair went on to say (that)  the meetings would be   bound to get a ticket for doing so.
                 cancelled should attendance remain so poor.
                                                                NB The structure in the passive becomes passive
                 After a series of poor performances, they doubted their
                                                                structure + reporting verb + to
                 team would be promoted.
                                                                They were warned not to park there…
                 The article in the College News implied (that)  there
                                                              Other verb patterns
                 had been problems on campus.
                                                              1   Verb + preposition + gerund / noun phrase
               2   Verb + object + that + clause (that can be left out of
                 many informal structures of this type)         e.g. boast, complain, exaggerate, hypothesise, quibble,
                                                                wonder about
                 e.g. assure, forewarn, inform, persuade, reassure,
                 remind, warn                                   advise, protest, warn against
                 The council  didn’t inform us (that) this road would be   attack, blame, criticise, defend, excuse, praise, tell off,
                 closed today.                                  (+ object)  for
                 The air steward warned the passengers that any further   discourage, forbid, (+ object) from
                 disruption would have them thrown off the flight.
                                                                accuse, speak (+ object) of
                 Verb + (that ) + (modal verb) + present subjunctive
                                                                congratulate  (+ object), insist on
                 Following certain verbs, e.g. advise, demand, insist,
                                                                confess, consent, object, own up to
                 propose, recommend, request, suggest, urge, we can
                                                                The local council confessed to ignoring warnings
                 use the present subjunctive form of the verb, i.e. there                            
                                                                about traffic congestion during the sporting event.
                 is no - s form in the third person. The same form is used
                                                                The onlookers hypothesised about the causes of the
                 in both the present and the past.
                 The host  insisted that we (should) leave our passports
                                                              2   Verb + gerund
                 at the front desk.
                                                                e.g. advise, debate, deny, mention, recommend, regret,
                 The town planner recommended that the developers
                 resituate the development further outside of the city.
                                                                The guide recommended going to see the castle, but
                 In negative subjunctives, the verb do is omitted.
                                                                suggested taking  a taxi, as it was quite a steep climb.
                 The town planner recommended that the developers
                                                                The residents  denied having seen anything on the
                 not situate the development so close to the centre.
                                                                night of the fire.
               Verb patterns with to
                                                              3   Some reporting verbs can be used with the impersonal
               1   Verb + infinitive with to                    passive structure when we want to distance ourselves
                                                                from what is being said. This is more common in
                 e.g. agree , beg, claim, forewarn , guarantee, offer ,
                                                                written reports or formal spoken reporting.
                 predict, refuse, swear, threaten , vow
                                                                e.g. accept, acknowledge, anticipate, assume, claim,
                 The newspaper article claimed to know the reasons
                                                                conclude, consider, estimate, expect, know, maintain,
                 behind the sudden increase in crime.
                                                                observed, prove, say, suppose, recognised, report,
                 To show that the action in the main clause is in the past,
                                                                rumour, think
                 we use the perfect infinitive.
                                                                It is anticipated that council members will meet
                 At least three people claim to have seen  the incident,
                                                                again last week with local businessmen to discuss the
                 but no report has been filed yet.
                 At least three people claimed to have seen  the
                                                                The redevelopment of this area is estimated to have
                                                                cost  over $3 million.
               2   Verb + infinitive with to + object
                 e.g. beg, claim, offer, mean, refuse, threaten, volunteer,
                 As Carla hadn’t been there before,  Maria offered to
                 show her  around the town.
                 Residents volunteered to clean the building  rather
                 than pay the extra charge.
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