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05.09.2024, 22:57                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation

                 up in our own heads about who chose to   each individual in separate rooms. Everything
                                                                             Speaker 2
                 invite whom to do what when, and whose   said here is completely confidential; note-
                                                                             I still feel like an idiot when I think back to
                                              taking is usually fine, but recording devices are
                 turn it is now. But the truth is there are a lot
                                                                             this. I’d generally consider myself quite bright,
                 of people out there who really appreciate   generally prohibited. My job here is to actively
                                                                             which is why when I read this story about
                 being asked but are really terrible at asking.   listen while each party walks me through
                                                                             someone falling out of a plane and surviving,
                 It’s normal to worry about being clingy, but   their experience of the dispute. This helps me
                                                                             due to a type of cloud, I was amazed!
                 we probably underestimate that nice-to-be-   wrap my head around the key issues. Here flip
                                                                             Apparently, it was particularly dense, and
                 wanted feeling that people get when you   charts are a mediator’s best friend. They’re a
                                                                             I’m no scientist, so I took it as read. Anyway,
                 pick them to spend time with.   great place to brainstorm ideas.
                                                                             I was telling this to people for years – always
               J:   And, to fast forward a bit, once a friendship   In the second stage, called the facilitated
                                                                             ending with an exclamation like ‘Isn’t it
                                              joint meeting, both sides come together
                 is established, if or when things don’t live
                                                                             incredible?’ or something like that. It turns
                 up to our expectations, we shouldn’t get   and try to settle their differences. I act as
                                                                             out it is incredible, because it’s simply not
                 too hung up about it. Because they won’t.   facilitator, first letting each side say their
                                                                             true. I checked it years later only to realise
                 People need the space to be imperfect.   piece – with no interruptions – and then I
                                                                             that the lucky survivor had a parachute. I
                                              lead a discussion of the key aspects of the
                 With friends, it’s best to avoid resentment
                                                                             must’ve misread the article all those years
                 and reserve judgement when life gets in   dispute. Here mediators need to keep a close
                                                                             ago. Mortifying! I still wonder how many
                 the way.                     eye on pace, because the goal is to reach a
                                                                             people are telling that ridiculous ‘fact’ of
                                              mutually acceptable solution on the day. At
               I:   Speaking of tough times, these days there                mine… simply because of my stupidity!
                                              the same time, though, we need to be led by
                 is a school of thought that says we should
                                                                             Speaker 3
                                              the parties in terms of what they are ready to
                 ditch one-sided friendships and take better
                                              discuss. It’s a delicate balance.   In my job, communication is key and I’m
                 care of ourselves. Hanya, what’s your take
                                                                             often flying around the world. Well one day,
                 on that?                     Particularly during this second stage,
                                                                             I was in Japan interpreting for an important
                                              emotional intelligence is crucial, I think. To
               H:   So, I wouldn’t advise anyone to be friends
                                                                             US dignitary who for some unknown reason
                                              excel in this profession, you really have to
                 with a person who actively does things
                                                                             decided to go off-script and make a joke in
                                              be able to understand not just what people
                 to hurt them. But this kind of self-focused
                                                                             a bid to get everybody on side. It’s so hard
                                              are saying but also what they aren’t saying
                 attitude, you know, avoiding toxic people
                                                                             to plan for those sorts of deviations , and the
                                              – listening between the lines, so to speak.
                 and all that – it muscles out the reality that
                                                                             joke just couldn’t work in Japanese at all, so
                                              Good problem-solving skills also come in
                 we’re all imperfect. Friends need us most
                                                                             I had to think on my feet. I told the audience
                                              handy, not to mention lots of patience. You
                 when they’re acting poorly and not thinking
                                                                             ‘Mr Shephard told a funny story. Everybody
                                              might think of these competencies as innate,
                 about the consequences. True, it can be
                                                                             please laugh now.’ And thankfully they did!
                                              but in my experience it’s possible to develop
                 tough when a friend is doing all the talking
                                                                             Although I did get some looks from the
                                              and greatly improve them over time.
                 and you’re doing all the listening. But they
                                                                             dignitary himself who asked me what I’d said
                 still deserve your respect and attention.   On a personal note, I’ve long thought the key to
                                                                             as it was far shorter than his joke. I had to
                 And you know what? In the long run, it’s   successful mediation is to get people to move
                                                                             come clean about it and thankfully he saw the
                 actually very good for us to stick through   away from the past – that is, their grievances
                                                                             funny side!
                 other people’s struggles. It’s how we   and obsessed-over life experiences – and
                 become better people.        focus on the future. This sort of subtle
                                                                             Speaker 4
                                              alteration in mindset can be hard to achieve
                                                                             I used to work as a runner on a news show…
                                              but is ultimately very powerful.
                                                                             this basically means running around helping
               Hello. My name is Samira Joshi and I’ve been                                          
                                              All right, so, if the first two steps of the
                                                                             out and being a general dogsbody. I was
               asked to come here and talk to you about my
                                              process have gone well, we then move into
                                                                             straight out of college and was completely
               job as a professional mediator. Workplace
                                              the final stage, where I prepare a written
                                                                             out of my depth to be honest. One day,
               mediation, in a nutshell, is an informal way
                                              agreement for both parties to sign up to.
                                                                             we had someone who was going to be
               of resolving employment-related disputes.
                                              Everyone involved has to not only agree to the
                                                                             interviewed for a slot about industrial waste.
               It involves a mediator, like me, acting as an
                                              statement, but also to share responsibility for
                                                                             I ran into reception and saw a guy sitting
               impartial third party, who facilitates a meeting
                                              its enactment. It’s important to note that this
                                                                             there. ‘Are you here for the interview?’ He
               between two or more people in conflict.
                                              agreement is morally, but not legally binding.
                                                                             nodded his head, so I had him miked up and
               When considering mediation, there is no
                                              Talking of legal questions, I should mention
                                                                             ready within 10 minutes. But the interview
               need for a company to take seniority into
                                              that whether or not the mediation process   was really strange. It was like he didn’t know
               account, but voluntary agreement from
                                              succeeds or fails – and every so often it   the first thing about industrial waste. It was
               both parties, on the other hand, is essential.
                                              does fail – the entire process is what lawyers
                                                                             only after that I found out here was in the
               Without this commitment to proceed,
                                              would call ‘without prejudice,’ meaning that
                                                                             building for a job interview, not to talk about
               the mediation process is not really worth
                                              if an employee wants to go on and pursue
                                                                             environmental problems on the TV! Needless
                                              an employment tribunal, for example, they   to say, I didn’t last long there.
               Workplace mediation is by no means a
                                              can take their case straight on and don’t
                                                                             Speaker 5
               panacea, but it can be an effective way of
                                              have to worry about any information from the
               dealing with many common workplace issues,                    Back in the day, I volunteered at a local
                                              mediation process being disclosed.
               including relationship breakdown, personality                 community organisation. They would put
                                              So, before I move on, I thought this would be
               clashes, miscommunication and so on. In my                    on talks and events, mainly to keep retired
                                              a good time to open the floor to any questions
               experience, though, it’s workplace incivility                 people busy. Anyway, it was when one
                                              you might have … [fade]
               that company representatives most often                       of these events was being organised…
               mention when they contract my services. This   5.3            on local history as I remember, and the
               could involve any kind of behaviour with an                   organiser mentioned that ‘Enis and Margaret
                                              Speaker 1
               intent to harm, with social undermining on the                were doing the slide show’. Well, I was
                                              Still to this day, I can’t believe it happened.
               low end of the spectrum and bullying on the                   dumbfounded! Princess Margaret  doing the
                                              I wanted to visit my uncle in Australia, and
               more serious end.                                             slide show?! What a coup! I diligently spread
                                              there was this flight  I saw online that was a
                                                                             the word, totally unaware that I had got the
               Generally speaking, mediation is a chance
                                              bargain. To be fair, I was in a rush and the
               to resolve disputes without resorting to                      wrong end of the stick. Well, that error of
                                              kids were playing up, so I suppose I only had
                                                                             mine caused the biggest turnout they’d ever
               legal processes or disciplinary action or,
                                              one eye on what I was doing. We didn’t even
                                                                             had! And probably the most disappointed
               ultimately, dismissal. Ideally, it’s better to
                                              realise the error until we were on the plane…
                                                                             audience too. To be honest, I did think it was
               mediate a conflict at the beginning – that
                                              to Sydney Nova Scotia, Canada! It took both
                                                                             a little out of the ordinary, I mean, why would
               can avoid escalation – but even if a conflict
                                              me and my wife a while to find the funny side
               is well entrenched and employees have,                        a member of the royal family turn up in our
                                              – but we made the best of it, and spent three
                                                                             village to talk about local history!?
               say, resorted to sick leave to escape anxiety
                                              weeks there, seeing the area. Obviously, our
               generated in the workplace, mediation can
                                              luggage was completely unsuitable. We’d
               still be an effective way to get them back at
                                              packed for 30 degrees and ended up in around
               their desks.
                                              0 degrees! But it was a trip to remember!
               So what does the mediation process look like
               in practice? Well, in the first stage, I meet with
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