Page 249 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
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05.09.2024, 22:58                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation

               M: Really? I hadn’t even considered that.   difference to communities in far flung areas,   J:   Thank you, Dan. And yes, cats are close
                 I suppose they must really be feeling it…   especially as running costs are virtually   to our hearts, that can’t be denied, but
                                              non-existent. And there is no reason why this   we shouldn’t be blind to a much more
               W: No doubt… Most animals are accustomed
                                              couldn’t be scaled up. In fact, there are some   significant issue they bring about – the
                 to being in the elements, which is the last
                                              companies that are considering gravity, in   elimination of a variety of species,
                 place to be at the moment, so a lot of them
                                              terms of energy storage this time, on a much   particularly birds, here in the country.
                 are in a bad way, even those that are built
                                              larger scale, so it seems as if this is just the   All countries have to protect their native
                 to deal with the cold. I think most animals
                                              tip of the iceberg for its potential.   species, but for New Zealanders the need
                 tend to retreat as winter approaches, but
                                                                               is so much stronger, because whereas
                 they simply aren’t equipped for what can   The next step for small-scale energy
                                                                               other countries may be able to repopulate
                 come out of the blue. Poor things. Lots of   production might lie in exploiting the kinetic
                                                                               depleted species by bringing the same
                 volunteers have been out there lending a   energy we generate all around us. In the UK,
                                                                               species in from other countries, they just
                 hand, but, needless to say, they can’t get to   there are smart panels in some pavements
                                                                               don’t have that luxury as many of their
                 them all.                    to capture the energy of the pedestrians,
                                                                               species are completely unique to their
                                              channelling it into the streetlights. In Japan,
               Extract 3
                                                                               country. Cats are great pets, sure, but
                                              some nightclubs are using similar techniques
               I:   So, today, you’re announcing a new
                                                                               they’re also predators, and they’ve killed
                                              but on their dancefloors. This kind of energy
                 housing scheme. Tell us about it, and why
                                                                               off more than eleven bird species in New
                                              could change our daily lives as we know it,
                 you think this is adequate to address the
                                              perhaps for example to the point where we
                 real long-term housing problems we’re
                                              are using our fingers as a charging device   K:   But let’s make it clear that we’re talking
                 facing in this country?
                                              every time we send a text message or scroll   about feral cats, not the common domestic
              Mi:   We think this scheme is an ideal way to
                                              on our mobiles. That could also mean that we   cat we find within homes, and while I
                 deal with the issues we have with housing
                                              never run out of battery again!   do accept there is a sensitive problem
                 at the moment. Basically, our towns have
                                                                               to deal with here, we need to be careful
                                              Now these are great inexpensive energy
                 been laid to waste in recent decades
                                                                               not to demonise those with cats. I’d say
                                              sources, but, while having potential for
                 following the influx of people to the core
                                                                               nine out of ten of them already take their
                                              expansion, at present they are localised
                 cities, and we want to regenerate these
                                                                               responsibilities as owners seriously.
                                              projects. However, there is one rather
                 areas. Anyone with empty housing in these
                                              unusual resource which involves the   I:   But let’s backtrack a moment…how has this
                 places can apply for a grant to restore their
                                              adaption of an existing energy source – solar   occurred? I mean, it’s common knowledge
                 property, improve its energy efficiency
                                              energy – and this could be a game-changer.   that cats kill birds… but are they actually
                 and basically give it a new lease of life.
                                              While solar energy is considered, and quite   responsible for killing off whole species
                 Making these places more attractive would
                                              rightly, as one of the green energies, it’s not   of birds?
                 eliminate the need to keep building on
                                              as perfect as it at first seems. The actual
                                                                             J:   What you need to take into consideration
                 our green spaces, and now in the days of
                                              construction of the panels is where the
                                                                               here is how unique this country is. Never
                 remote working, towns, not just cities, are a
                                              problem lies, because of the need for silicon
                                                                               historically being home to mammals,
                 much more viable offering.
                                              as a conductor in the panels, which is neither
                                                                               unlike other countries, the bird population
               I:   But why not tackle the real problem head
                                              cheap nor particularly environmentally
                                                                               flourished. However, with very few threats
                 on by investing in our cities and the lack of
                                              friendly due to its energy-intensive production
                                                                               to counter, they didn’t cultivate the
                 affordable and decent accommodation?
                                              process. The replacement scientists are
                                                                               necessary survival skills for living amongst
              Mi:   We mustn’t be too city centric in our
                                              working on for this actually comes from a
                                                                               the varieties of life that have now been
                 thinking. Policies also exist for our cities,
                                              creature of the deep – the jellyfish. A specific       
                                                                               introduced. So, for example, a cat finds a
                 they have been fruitful, especially recently.
                                              protein is being developed that is derived
                                                                               bird and in other places that bird just flies
               I:   And do you really think that people will
                                              from the green fluorescent protein, or GFP,
                                                                               away, hopefully, but some of their birds
                 flock from cities into these, might I call
                                              contained in jellyfish that gives them their
                                                                               can’t even fly!
                 them, deserted towns? Being a pioneer
                                              distinctive glow. This protein reacts to UV
                                                                             K:   This isn’t a modern problem though as
                 in a place with limited services hoping for
                                              light which in turn activates electrons…
                                                                               far as I’m concerned. It’s been taking
                 better days doesn’t sound ideal to me.
                                              mirroring the kind of process that happens
                                                                               place over centuries since humans first
                                              in solar panel energy. Scientists have the
                                                                               populated the islands. Take for example
                                              ability now to artificially create this protein,
                                                                               the Lyall’s wren, a bird which thrived in
               Thank you for inviting me here today to talk
                                              so there is little reason why this couldn’t be
                                                                               New Zealand, well, up until the first human
               about new and inventive ways people are
                                              commercially sold in the form of solar panels,
                                                                               settlement in the 13th century. Then fast
               harnessing energy, which I hope some of
                                              and also deployed as bio cells floating in the
                                                                               forward to the start of the 19th century
               you might adopt. In modern life, energy has
                                              ocean, collecting power whenever the sun
                                                                               and this bird population was all but wiped
               become somewhat of a predicament for both
                                                                               out on the main islands. Numbers had
               individuals and countries, as costs of energy
                                              These are just some of the ways that
                                                                               dwindled to just a colony on St Stephens
               prices soar, and the environmental costs
                                              our traditional sources of energy can be
               of energy production become increasingly
                                              complemented, or even replaced over
                                                                             J:   But, much later, when that became home to
               obvious. But this does not necessarily need
                                              time, both on a local and global scale. As I
                                                                               a lighthouse, with a cat that produced more
               to be the case, and research into non-
                                              mentioned at the start, it’s an exciting time
                                                                               feral cats, that was another nail in the coffin
               traditional energy production is coming on
                                              for energy, as talented young scientists are
                                                                               for the Lyall’s wren, so to speak.
               leaps and bounds with solutions showing
                                              shooing away finite generators of power to
               great inventiveness, both in small- and                       I:   So, what can we do about this?
                                              look to things that are abundant and limitless
               large-scales which are either ready, or almost
                                                                             K:   Well, I imagine Julia has much more drastic
                                              in our natural world. And this is essential if
               ready, to deploy.
                                                                               ideas than I do on what needs to be done.
                                              we are to counter the challenges that climate
                                                                               For me, it’s fundamental to respect and
               Let’s start with a case study. You might not
                                              change, limited resources, and population
               think of the force of gravity as a viable energy                protect the rights of our citizens, and as
                                              growth, present to us.
               source, but surprisingly, it is used in the                     a nation where almost half of us are cat
               production of energy in some forms and has                      owners, we shouldn’t bombard them
               much higher reliability than solar or wind                      with restrictions and make cat owning
                                              I = Interviewer   K = Kevin   J = Julia
               energy, as it is a constant. It has been put                    a headache. What we DO need to do, I
                                              I:   Today I’m joined by town councillor Kevin
               to use in some localised projects to make a                     believe, is to agree on a working system
                                                Eastwell and conservationist Julia Wright
               huge difference to certain groups of people.                    for the reduction of feral cats, which are
                                                to talk about a much-loved household pet
               Take for example, the GravityLight in Kenya, a                  the main problem, but this should be
               device which is bringing light to homes which   that’s causing some controversy here in   nationwide, not a localised initiative, as I’d
                                                New Zealand at the moment… the cat. So,
               are normally off-grid, and doing it, safely                     argue the major damage is done in rural
                                                Julia let’s start with you. Enlighten us on the
               and cost-effectively. Where they once used                      areas.
               kerosene to power their lighting, they are now   problem. Surely everyone loves a cat.
               doing it with rocks linked to a dynamo with
               a pulley system. It may be a small amount of
               power that is generated, but it’s making a real
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