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05.09.2024, 22:58                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation

                 others, and I’d imagine this would make   sense of competition and start to focus
                 them more competitive. I’d definitely say   on other things that perhaps they think
                 that people are competitive only when   are more important… like understanding
                 they’ve got a chance of winning.   others, sharing or kindness.
                 If someone is not evenly matched against
                                              M: That’s an interesting point. I definitely think
                 another person, well this can be quite
                                                your parents can affect how competitive
                 demotivating and depressing. So, it’s not
                                                you are too, but so can everybody. I don’t
                 always positive.
                                                know if it was the same for you, but we
               I:   What do you think, Mario?   used to have sports days and quizzes at
                                                school where there would be winners and
               M: Yes, I agree one hundred per cent. You
                                                losers. Competition is everywhere, not just
                 can see this kind of thing in professional
                                                at home.
                 sports, when a team just gives up… not
                 actually, but in their spirit because they’re   S:   Yes, I do agree that there is competition
                 outmatched. But also in everyday life too…   in many areas, but I think whether
                 people who aren’t sporty, aren’t generally   your parents encourage it is still pretty
                 competitive and don’t like it.   important.
               I:   Thank you.                I:   Do you think it’s ever a good thing to
                                                compare yourself against other people?
                                              S:   Hmmm… yes maybe sometimes it is useful.
                                                Perhaps it depends on the ways in which
               I = Interlocutor   S = Sofia
                                                you compare yourself. If you have a role
               M = Mario
                                                model, and you compare yourself to this,
               I:   Now, to finish the test we’re going to talk
                                                then I think that can be a good thing.
                 about competition in general. Do you think
                                              M: Yes, but…. Well, perhaps it depends on the
                 more competitive people tend to be more
                                                role model.
                 successful than people who aren’t very
                                              S:   That’s true. While it might be a good thing
                                                to compare yourself to, for example, Malala
               S:   Shall I begin?
                                                Yousafzai, the girl who stood up for her
               M: Okay, sure.
                                                human rights. But comparing yourself to
               S:   Unfortunately, yes, I think that’s quite
                                                someone who just poses for photos on
                 often the case. The problem with very
                                                social media all the time might not be
                 competitive people is that they will
                                                so great. It seems to me to be about the
                 stop at nothing to get what they want,
                                                underlying factors that you are looking to
                 whereas less competitive people won’t do
                                                compare yourself to. Looking to others in
                 certain things. I believe this means that
                                                terms of a sense of morals or achievement,
                 competitive people often win over others.
                                                well, I think that’s worthy. But constantly
               M: That’s quite a depressing thought but
                                                comparing your looks or clothes to
                 I see what you mean. I think that’s why
                                                someone… for me I find that a bit shallow.
                 sometimes politicians do well. The ones
                                              M: Yes, and also it’s something that most              
                 who are more competitive tend to succeed.
                                                people can never live up to. You look at
               S:   Yes. The problem with competition is when
                                                these people in magazines or on social
                 it affects the person’s morals. There’s a
                                                media, but you can never have a body like
                 big difference to just, for example, wanting
                 to win a quiz, compared to desperately
                                              S:   Absolutely. What we don’t see is the
                 wanting to be more successful than the
                                                amount of time in the gym, or all the work
                 people around you, and doing this for
                                                they have done on their bodies and faces!
                 example by… well… I think the series
                                              M: We must be realistic.
                 Succession is a good example of that. Have
                                              S:   Yes, we can’t be copies of other people. For
                 you watched the show?
                                                me, the most important thing to remember
               M: No, but I’ve heard of it.
                                                is that we are all unique, and we must be
               S:   Well, it’s about the children of a media
                 mogul and how they do some really
                                              I:   Thank you. That is the end of the test.
                 underhand things to ensure their own
                                              M: Thank you
                 success in the business, often at the cost
                                              S:   Thank you.
                 of one another. This is naked ambition, but
                 I think that’s just another form of being
               I:   Do we learn to be competitive or are we
                 born competitive?
               M: I think we learn it… thinking back to what
                 we talked about in terms of sport. I think
                 competitiveness is always there a little,
                 but it’s something that grows inside us if
                 we think we’ve got a chance of winning.
                 I wonder how much difference it makes
                 whether you win or lose a lot in your early
                 childhood. Perhaps the feeling you get if
                 you lose often when you’re young makes
                 you less competitive in your adult years,
                 just because it doesn’t make you feel very
                 good. What’s your opinion, Sofia?
               S:   I would say that how competition develops
                 in children often depends on their
                 influences. So, for example, if their parents
                 are competitive people and show them this
                 mentality, then they are more likely to be
                 like that themselves. Whereas some other
                 people grow out of that early childhood
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