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05.09.2024, 22:58 Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation
J: I’m sorry, but for me that’s just burying your I: Are you working or studying at the
Speaker 3:
head in the sand and ignoring the simple moment?
One of the most common beginner training
fact that cats travel. Certainly, we shouldn’t
S: I’m halfway through a degree in
errors is focusing on just distance, but
outlaw pet ownership, but we’ve got to cut
Engineering, and right now I’m on an
focusing on speed, particularly running
this problem off at the source. The issue
internship at a construction firm. I’m really
slowly, is necessary too, constantly
with household cats is twofold – of course
enjoying it so far.
monitoring your heart rate so it’s not elevated.
they are predators themselves, but the fact
I: And you?
What I’d have given for someone to have
that feral cats are born from household cats
mentioned that before my first ultramarathon, M: I’ve just finished university and I’m going
is the real nettle we need to grasp. Only
and unfortunately also my first ‘did not finish’. on a year abroad. I’m actually leaving in two
around 90% of cats are spayed or neutered
Now, I understand that only a fine-tuned
and that is 10% too low, especially when
approach will get results, but that’s also the
I: Sofia, what made you decide to study
there’s more than one cat within the home
joy of them… the constant progression. Now,
– and for me this is what needs to change,
I look to not only my physical program, but
S: Most people study English in Spain from
or at the very least cats that are within that
the course layout, poring over it meticulously
the age of five upwards, but not many
10% need to stay indoors.
for any red flags as this is crucial if you don’t
people continue for as long as I have. When
I: Is that a policy you see working?
want to be in agony. And next time, to avoid
I realised I wanted to be an engineer, I
K: Not for the residents in my town, I’m afraid,
the dreaded problem of getting sand in my
knew I wouldn’t be able to do it without
and I agree with them. We mustn’t restrict running shoes, I’ll definitely be tying plastic
English, so I’ve continued. It’s an essential
freedom of choice and most importantly, bags around my feet!
skill for me, as lots of Engineering journals
we shouldn’t scapegoat the household cat
are in English, and Engineering is also a
Speaker 4:
when the issue is far more complex. There
field which is quite international. English
Having just finished my first ultramarathon
are plenty of other predators affecting our
is nearly always the language of any
last year, I’d say the experience was rather
wildlife that I think we should prioritise over
international projects in this area.
bittersweet, and to be honest, I feel like it
this issue.
I: And Mario, what do you enjoy about where
could be my last. The preparation was tough
I: So, what is being done about the predator
you live?
enough, but I really had no idea what I was
threat in general?
in for. I tested myself to the limits, at points M: Well, as I said, I moved a while ago. My
J: Well, there’s a programme called Predator
parents moved because my mum got a
on my hands and knees and in tears, but no
Free 2050, aimed at eradicating rats,
new job, and now we’re in a coast town…
matter what, I kept going to the very end and
stoats and possums, considered by some
I’ll always look back on it with a unique sense coastal town. It’s much more relaxed than
to be their most dangerous predators,
city life, and it’s easier to travel around.
of accomplishment, without forgetting how
which has received widespread backing
tough it was. To anyone thinking of doing an I can walk everywhere, so I guess that’s
from numerous areas. It is undeniably a
what I like most.
ultramarathon, well, I’d say you’ve got to be
noble cause, but one that would do well to
a particular type of human being, one that
I: Thank you.
stretch its ambitions by including feral cats.
can reckon with themselves in the darkest
Nobody knows the feral cat population in
moments. While some competitors can do
the country, but it is estimated at around
this, I, and many others, just aren’t equipped
I = Interlocutor S = Sofia
2.5 million, and that is 2.5 million too many.
for it.
M = Mario
Speaker 5:
I: Now, in this part of the test you’re going
Speaker 1: to do something together. Here are some
I don’t know where I’d be without
ultramarathons as I completely relish the pictures of people in different situations.
Ultramarathons are so much more than an
challenge that each one has presented First, I’d like you to look at pictures one and
endurance sport for me. There’s no doubt to
whatever they throw in my path. Having two and talk together about how these
everyone around me that I’m a competitor
people might feel. You have about a minute
struggled on a jungle night course after
that basically eats, sleeps and breathes the
breaking a toe, very little can faze me now, for this, so don’t worry if I interrupt you.
challenge. I think that’s because people
neither at work or at home, and I’m hoping
M: Well, in picture one they look pretty happy,
underestimate what ultramarathons are
that will only continue. What people often but they seem exhausted too, don’t you
about and just train physically, but you’ve
don’t tell you about ultramarathons is the
really got to be meticulous in your mental think?
likelihood of hallucinations, which has
preparation. For example, nutrition is of the S: Yes, it looks to me as if they’ve just
happened to me a few times. It’s hard to
utmost importance when training for these completed a marathon. I think marathon
counter this, but maintaining a high level of
events as being in peak condition not only runners, or long-distance runners at least,
fluids is important, then try not to get sleep
externally, but internally too is an absolute
get those kinds of blankets when they
deprived, and rely on the other runners if you
must. To run a normal marathon, it’s enough finish a race.
do have an episode because the teamwork
to be in shape, but an ultramarathon takes
M: Yes, I think they do … and they’ve got
can be incredible, and they’ll always help you
discipline, for months beforehand as well
medals too!
get through.
as during the race. This is something that
S: They must be feeling an immense sense of
catches people unawares but without a doubt
achievement I imagine. Both of them.
it’s the key to the finish line.
M: Why do you think that? Because it’s a
I = Interlocutor S = Sofia
Speaker 2: difficult thing to do?
M = Mario
Occasionally I moonlight as an ultramarathon S: Yes, but also because they must have
I: Good afternoon. My name is Helen Walker
trained quite hard. It’s something that takes
training guide where I train women like me
and this is my colleague Scott Harrison.
a lot of time and effort to achieve. And
to prepare for the experience. I became
And your names are?
also, you can tell, not just by the medals
instantly hooked on ultramarathons after my
S: My name is Sofia.
but also by their expressions, that they’ve
first one, which took place in the Himalayas
done something they are very proud of and
and was such a mind-blowing experience. M: I’m Mario.
pleased about!
My colleagues mostly think it’s a ludicrous
I: Could I have your mark sheets please?
hobby, but I just love having a crack at things
Thank you. First of all, we’d like to know M: Hmm…. and image two reminds me of
that are a little out of my league. In my talks,
something about you. Where are you from, when I’m playing with my niece! They both
I make sure people know what they’ve let Mario? look really happy. What kind of relation do
themselves in for, and, I know this might you think the little girl is to the man?
M: I’m originally from Rome, the capital of Italy,
sound contradictory, but prepare yourself
S: It’s hard to tell, but they definitely look like
but a few years ago I moved with my family
for a few curve balls. Carefully planned
to a town on the coast. family to me. It seems to me that the man
packing is essential as the most minute detail
feels overjoyed to be around the child,
I: And you, Sofia?
can make such a difference, but despite
and they clearly have a close relationship.
S: I come from Jerez, in the south of Spain.
everything that you do you can’t tell until
Perhaps it’s a family member like an uncle
It’s a beautiful town and very popular with
you’re out there, which is half the excitement.
who hasn’t seen his niece for a long time
and they’re both delighted to be in each
other’s company. What do you think?
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