Page 77 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 77
04.09.2024, 22:01 Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation
Language focus Cohesion
1 Find the following sentences in the article on pages 68 and 69 and decide what the
words in bold refer to.
1 This term described a paper that published salacious and sensationalist stories, the
accuracy of which seemed neither here nor there to the newspaper, but in doing so,
resulted in increased circulation.
2 Needless to say, this supposed scoop of theirs sold in incredible quantities, which
was a great bonus for a paper that relied on advertising revenue for its income.
3 After all, why would the advertisers focus on the reliability of stories, when the ones
with the biggest reaction sold the most?
4 Fortunately for us, there are some tell-tale signs of such news articles that are still
helpful to the general reader today.
5 These techniques have been used by some in the news business since the beginning
of the 20th century and still are today.
Today’s is an endless stream, and dubious or even fake news continues to be an
effective way of making money.
7 … titles of links are there to whip up some form of excitement, and there is some
indication that the most effective way to do so is to target anger and indignation.
8 A study of 200,000 social media users by Beihang University in China, found that
posts exploiting those kinds of emotions are three times more likely to be shared or
retweeted than any other kind.
2 Go to Ready for Grammar on page 216–217 for further rules, explanations and practice.
3 The sentences in Exercise 1 use cohesive ties to avoid repetition and to link ideas
together inside and across paragraphs. Decide whether each sentence is an example
of reference, substitution, or ellipsis.
4 Complete the text using words from the box. You need to use one of the words twice.
each hers one ones other so such
The Incredible Life of Nellie Bly
When everyone says you can’t do something, is your response to accept it or carry on regardless?
If so, maybe you should take a leaf out of Nellie Bly’s book, an inspiring example of someone
who fought against the limitations being imposed on them at the time. (1) was
a life full of ground-breaking adventure and pioneering investigative journalism. She got her
start at the Pittsburgh Dispatch in 1885, where she was confined to writing about only a limited
number of topics, just the (2) that covered so-called ‘women’s issues’ at the
time, like fashion or housekeeping. Wanting more, she decided to try other newspapers, but
(3) of them had the same response as the (4) , a resounding ‘No!’,
until one day, she managed to get a job from the New York World. In what was fundamentally
investigative journalism, Nellie had to go undercover in a hospital as a patient in order to report
on its conditions. In doing (5) , the subsequent article was a great coup for the
New York World, becoming the first newspaper to publish (6) a piece – and by a
woman, too! But that was not adventure enough for Nellie, and in 1890 she decided to recreate
the famous fictional journey of Mr Fogg’s in Around the World in Eighty Days, the result of
which not only saw her best her own goal of 75 days, but by completing it in 72 days she also set
a new world record. With determination like (7) , perhaps Nellie’s success was
never in any doubt. So, remember, even when the odds are against you, like Nellie herself, don’t
let any opportunity be the (8) that got away.
5 S P E A K In pairs, discuss the questions below.
1 Which other real-life figures can you think of who have stood up for themselves in the
face of adversity and been successful due to their strong sense of determination?
What kind of skills do you think good reporters need? Which of these areas do you
think you would excel in?
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