Page 4 - Langenburg Community Profile 2020-2021
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ABOUT US                                                           OUR HISTORY

                                                                          According  to  the  original  settlers,  this
                                                                          community  was  named  after  Prince
           Langenburg  is  a  small  town,  but  rich  in  people  and
           community  spirit.  It  prides  itself  on  being  one  of  the  Hohenlohe  of  Langenburg,  a  German
           best  places  in  Saskatchewan  to  raise  a  family  and      nobleman  who  was  said  to  have  visited
           start a business. Why? Please check us out; you will love      Western  Canada  in  the  1880's  and
           what you find.                                                 subsequently  recommended  this  area  to
                                                                          immigrants.  It  provided  a  new  home  for
             We have a prime location with connections to the rest        many  Europeans.  They  came  from  many
             of Canada through Highway #16 and #8;                        countries,  lured  by  the  abundance  of
             We  have  a  strong  agriculture  industry  and  rich  soil  cheap land and the promise of prosperity.
             that produces high yields of grain;                          The  Langenburg  district  exemplifies  the
             Langenburg is in the middle of the largest and richest       multi-ethnic    diversity   found      in
             potash  fields  in  Saskatchewan  and  is  close  to  four   Saskatchewan.       German,       British,
             potash mines operated by Mosaic and Nutrien;                 Scandinavian  and  Belgium  emigrants
                                                                          played major roles in the development of
             Our town is open for business and fosters its business       the community.
             community by offering  one of the smallest commercial
             property  taxes  in  East  Saskatchewan,  incentives,          1880 First settlers of German origin arrived
             grants,   good   business   locations   and   growth           1886 Train station "Langenburg" opened
             opportunities;                                                 1888 Post office opened
             Our 1,722 residents enjoy full town services with the          1890 First school was built with 9 students
             advantages  of  a  brand  new  school,  excellent  health      1902 New Scandinavian settlers came
                                                                            1903 The settlement incorporated as a village
             care  facilities  and  a  wide  range  of  recreational        1912 Telephone service came
             opportunities;                                                 1913 Electricity was brought
             Langenburg  is  one  of  the  few  small  communities  in      1921 Hoffman elementary school was built
             Saskatchewan that manages to have that rare balance            1951 Langenburg Union Hospital was built
             of  economic  opportunity  and  affordable  housing            1953 Queen Elizabeth High School was built
             prices;                                                        1957 Curling and Skating rinks were built
             Our  Arts  Community  is  widely  recognized  in               1959 Village incorporated as a town
             Saskatchewan. We have a theatre and talented artists           1950 Potash was discovered
             who provide entertainment all year round;                      1950 Family and Friends sign was built
                                                                            1961 Sewer and water plant were added
             We are one of the safest towns in Canada;                      1962 Natural gas came
             We enjoy long hours of sunshine;                               1964 Direct dialing service came
             Town residents have access to quality water;                   1966 Parkland School was built
             We are a clean, friendly and welcoming community;              1969 Storm sewers were constructed
             We have a rich heritage and strong community spirit.           1972 Swimming Pool was constructed
             Our  founders'  drive  and  perseverance  built  this          1977 All streets were paved
             community, making it one of the most attractive places         1977 New community center was built
             to live in Saskatchewan.                                       1981 Fire Hall, Library, Town Office were built
                                                                            2000 Town Shop was built
                                                                            2000 Lift station was installed
           "Langenburg is an active, diverse community where                2003  Family  &  Friends  Community  Foundation
           culture, families and business thrive; and everyone              was established
           is welcome" (Town Vision, 2020)                                  2006 Water lagoon was made
                                                                            2008 RO water plant installed
                                                                            2010 Langenburg & District Daycare was built
                                                                            2014 New playgrounds installed
                                                                            2016 K-12 Langenburg Central School was built
                                                                            2021 New swimming pool constructed
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