Page 83 - Movie Collerctor
P. 83 Movie Collector for Windows - Version 15
Import from Text / CSV
• Preparing for import
• Importing
• Updating your data
Preparing for import
With Movie Collector you can import a .csv or text list. Movie Collector’s text import is limited to these fields:
Title and Barcode. It is not possible to import any additional fields.
* Your text file must contain only these fields, and must also use the same order:
Title and Barcode.
1. Create a *.txt or *.csv file with a text editor program such as Notes or TextEdit with all your “to be
imported” movies (you can also export to a *.txt or *.csv file from your Spreadsheet program).
2. Save this text or CSV file (with UTF8 encoding).
Here’s how to import:
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