Page 10 - RI Guide 2019
P. 10
Soil erosion tends to be crops for weed suppression may
another big problem for some help reduce the need for
growers. This erosion can lead to herbicides, while building soil
loss of valuable nutrients into road health.
ditches or streams. Having live, Most people might see cover
growing plants in the field can help crops as using what little soil
to keep the soil in place after heavy moisture is available to get the
rains or high winds, and ultimately cover crop up, not leaving
save on input costs.
anything for the cash crop. In
Weed suppression is another reality, it can be quite the opposite.
big advantage of incorporating Cover crops and their roots help
cover crops. Some types of cover water infiltrate into the ground
crops, such as rye, have show to better. This, and leaving the
have allelopathic benefits. ground undisturbed, helps to keep
Allelopathy is an event in which an that moisture in the ground. The
organism produces one or more ground cover they provide also
biochemicals that influence keeps the soil temperature cooler,
germination, growth, survival and keeping the moisture from
reproduction of other organisms. evaporating as quickly.
Rye is shown to have this effect on To get the maximum benefit
other plants and can help suppress from cover crops, you need to
weeds. It should be noted that it make them a part of your cropping
can also affect crops like corn and system. Different cover crop
should be terminated in a timely species provide different benefits
fashion to avoid this effect. All and there is not one cover crop
cover crops can help block light that will meet all the possible
and out compete weeds when used objectives that fit your system.
at the recommended rate. Using Finding the right mix to meet your
cover goals is crucial to successfully
implementing cover crops.