Page 9 - RI Guide 2019
P. 9





          	       Tillage systems have                            	      Other types of cover crops, such
          traditionally been used as a                            a brassicas, have deep tap roots that
          method to prepare for planting,                         can help break up a hard pan. In an
          controlling weeds, removal of plant                     area of a historically no-till program,
          residue, and loosen compacted                           there can be compacted areas in the
          surface soil. While tillage can be a                    field from traffic or heavy rainfall.
          critical component in a successful                      Tillage radishes are a great option to
          and profitable agriculture system,                       help break through that hard pan.
          conservation tillage and cover                          Another benefit of these types of
          crops are practices established to                      cover crops is nutrient sequestering.
          conserve the soil and improve the                       In some cases, nutrient loss below the
          soil health of your farm.  
                            root zone can happen, these plants
          	       There are many different                         help scavenge for those nutrients and
          species of cover crops, and they all                    bring them back to the root zone for
          play a different role. One type are                      the next cash crop.
          the legumes such as clover and the
          various types of vetch. These
          legumes help pull atmospheric
          nitrogen into the plant and convert
          it, so it can be used by the plant.
          When the legume is terminated it
          can leave 30% – 60% of the
          nitrogen in the soil for the following
          cash crop to use. This potential
          nitrogen can help cut fertilizer
          costs and offset the cost of the
          seed from the cover crop.
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