Page 11 - AP Unit 2 Vectors Student Binder_Neat
P. 11
Bearing Practice Name _____________
State each of these in “trig-speak” and as bearings.
1. Azimuth: ________ ° 2. Azimuth: ________ ° 3. Azimuth: ________ °
4 – 6: Given one of the bearing descriptions, fill in the correct values for the other descriptions.
4. Azimuth: __293__ ° 5. Azimuth: ________ ° 6. Azimuth: _______ °
______ ______ ° _______ ______ ______ ° _______ __N__ __75__ ° __W__
(N or S) (angle) (E or W) (N or S) (angle) (E or W) (N or S) (angle) (E or W)
______ ° ______ of ______ __12___ ° __S__ of _E__ ______ ° ______ of ______
(angle) (N or S) (E or W) (angle) (N or S) (E or W) (angle) (N or S) (E or W)
7 – 9: Given the written description, draw the vector that indicates the direction of the force. Label the
magnitude of the force (with units) along the length of the vector.
7. The wind is coming from 8. The boat left the dock at 9. The plane left the airport
the southwest at 30 mph. 9 AM travelling at 15 knots on the bearing 110°.
on a bearing of S 70° W.
10. The SS Minnow (a tiny ship) leaves on a fateful trip starting from a tropic port with 5
passengers. It travels at 18 knots on the bearing N 35° E while fighting a current of 6 knots
on the bearing 12° S of W and a (initial) wind of 10 knots on the bearing 170°. Draw all
three force vectors using the origin as a starting point. Vary the length of each vector
based on force strength. Label each force vector with its magnitude, including units.