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Credit Research Foundation
CRF News
Why YOU Remain the Focus,
and the Dual Responsibilities that Brings
1st Qtr.
This piece comes on the heels of the recently concluded March CRF Forum in San Antonio. I say that because it was the interaction at the meeting that presented “the substance” (if there is any) to this offering. Our three annual in-person meetings are so very special to us as an organization. The face-to- face opportunity provides a sense of reinvigoration to the CRF Team as we get a chance to interact, exchange ideas and also share simple pleasantries. The
What’s Inside
Trade Credit Insurance and Bankruptcy Preference Risk - Bruce Nathan Esq, 3-6 James Stewart Esq and Mark Regenhard
Trans-Pacific Partnership - Byron Shoulton 8-9 Valuing Intellectual Property - David Posner Esq and Kelly Moynihan Esq 12-16 US Macro Outlook: Suppy-Side Washout - Mark Zandi 18-21 Understanding Phishing and Preventing a Breach - Dan Maier 24-26 A Closer Look at DIP Financing - Ken Rosen Esq 28-29 Slay the Receivables Nighmare and Improve Cash Application - Robert Unger 31-32 A Deep Dive into Deliquent Account Placements in 2017 - Annette Waggoner 34-36 CRF Launches Its New Website 38 A Brief Overview of the March 2018 CRF Forum in San Antonio 39
New CRF Chairman's Message
Platinum Partner News
©2018 Credit Research Foundation

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