Page 110 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 110
and depending upon the performance in the Intelligence Test and PP&DT,
about 40 to 50% of the candidates are retained for Stage 2 testing. It is
therefore important to do well in this test. The intelligence tests are normally
easy and most of the candidates pass in them. It is in the PP&DT where many
candidates get rejected.
Mistakes normally made
a. It is quite a stressful activity as there are 15 to 18 candidates present and
in addition, there are three assessors sitting in front. Many candidates
feel nervous and fail to utter even a word. This requires some practice
and one must have some confidence to handle this activity.
b. To beat their nervousness, candidates prepare some story that they have
read in SSB books and narrate it even if the picture shown was entirely
different. This is a sure case for failure as synthetic or pre-conceived
stories are not acceptable.
c. Some candidates narrate their story but do not take part in the discussion
as they are unsure or lack confidence.
d. Some candidates on the other hand, dominate the discussion at the cost
of others, which is also undesirable.
An acceptable candidate is one who perceives the picture correctly and
weaves a nice positive story around the stimulus shown. He relates the
characters correctly and narrates the story confidently and also takes part
enthusiastic in the discussions to arrive at one common story.
What attributes are seen?
Intelligence and imagination in perceiving the stimulus correctly and
weaving a sensible story around it
Self-confidence in facing a large number of candidates and the assessors