Page 144 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 144

27 SYMPATHY                       Sympathy is the basis of social reforms.

                28 FEARFUL                        Nothing is fearful to a brave heart.

                                                  Advertisements increase a product’s
                29 ADVERTISEMENT

                30 GIVE                           Giving is a virtue.

                31 TEAM                           Teams work on the basis of trust.

                32 HEIGHT                         Hard work leads to greater heights in life.

                33 BUSY                           Students are busy before exams.

                34 HELP                           Helping the needy spreads goodwill.

                35 ASSERT                         Assertion based on logic is reasonable.

                36 HELPLESS                       Kind people help the helpless.

                                                  Requesting to do something is better than
                37 ENFORCE
                                                  enforcing it.

                38 TRUTH                          Truth comes out on its own.

                                                  Excessive use of vehicles contributes to global
                39 CONTRIBUTE

                                                  As you go higher, atmospheric temperature
                40 HIGH
                41 FILMS                          Art films have a social message.

                                                  Untouchability has been eradicated from most
                42 UNTOUCHABILITY

                43 EXPLOITATION                   Poor farmers are exploited by landlords

                44 HINT                           A hint is sufficient to solve the puzzle.

                45 LIMIT                          There is no limit to hard work.

                                                  Aloofness can be removed by the company of
                46 ALOOF

                                                  Parents’ blessings give encouragement for
                47 BLESSING
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