Page 146 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 146

7 CLEVER                   Being extra clever will annoy friends.

                  8 DISEASE                  Hygiene prevents the spread of disease.

                                             The people of Telangana were demanding a
                  9 DEMAND
                                             separate state.

                10 FRIEND                    The company of friends gives immense joy.

                                             Indian students are compelled to choose
                11 COMPEL
                                             engineering or medical professions.

                12 DOCTOR                    A doctor is a god in human form.

                13 FOREST                    Deforestation is causing global warming.

                14 HOME                      Home is heaven on earth.

                15 CROWD                     A cricket match is a crowd-puller in India.

                                             Earning money through hard work is very
                16 EARN

                                             It is important to read instructions before starting
                17 INSTRUCTION
                                             the exam.

                18 LIE                       Telling lies is a bad habit.
                                             The answer sheets were coded to prevent any
                19 PARTIALITY
                                             partiality on the examiner’s part.

                20 EXERCISE                  Regular exercise is good for health.

                21 PATRIOTISM                Soldiers inspire patriotism in every Indian.

                                             World Cup Cricket was telecast live on Star
                22 LIVE

                23 PRIDE                     The Indian cricket team is the pride of our country.

                24 FEARFUL                   A brave person is never fearful.

                25 PROGRESS                  Hard work leads to progress in life.

                                             Corruption should be opposed for the progress of
                26 OPPOSE
                                             the nation.
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