Page 18 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 18

story. Thereafter, they are seated in a group of 15 to 18 and asked to narrate
               their respective stories one by one and finally discuss among themselves to
               arrive at a common story of the group. Using the intelligence rating and the
               performance in the PP&DT, roughly about 40 to 50% of the candidates are

               retained for stage 2 testing.

                 Section 2 deals with psychological testing. In this section, a total of four
               tests  are  conducted,  namely  the  Thematic  Apperception  Test  (TAT),  Word

               Association Test (WAT), Situation Reaction Test (SRT) and Self-Description
               Test (SDT). In the TAT, 11 hazy pictures plus one blank picture are shown

               one  after  the  other  and  candidates  are  asked  to  write  a  short  story.  In  the
               WAT, 60 words are flashed on the screen one after the other and candidates
               are  asked  to  write  a  short  sentence  using  the  words  shown.  In  the  SRT,
               candidates  are  given  60  practical  and  commonly  occurring  situations  in  a

               booklet form and asked to react to each of the situations. Finally, in the SDT,
               the  candidates  are  asked  to  write  five  short  paragraphs.  The  first  three

               paragraphs  are  about  what  his/her  parents,  friends/colleagues  and  teachers
               think  of  him/her.  The  fourth  paragraph  is  about  what  does  he/she  think  of
               himself/herself and the fifth paragraph is about what kind of person he/she

               wishes  to  become  and  what  improvements  are  needed.  Based  on  the
               responses in these tests, the psychologist will arrive at his assessment.

                 Section  3  deals  with  Group  Testing.  In  this  part  of  the  test,  a  total  of  9

               different tests are conducted, namely two rounds of Group Discussion (GD),
               Group  Planning  Exercise  (GPE),  Progressive  Group  Task  (PGT),  Group
               Obstacle  Race  (GOR),  Half  Group  Task  (HGT),  Lecturette,  Individual

               Obstacles (IOs), Command Task (CT) and Final Group Task (FGT). Each of
               these tests has been explained in great detail in the relevant section of the

                 Section 4 deals with the Personal Interview. In this section of the test, the
               Interviewing  Officer,  by  using  six  sets  of  Comprehensive  Interview
               Questionnaires (CIQs) arrives at his assessment of the candidate. All the six

               CIQs have been explained and a suggestive answer for each one of them has
               been provided. In addition, the Dos and Don’ts have also been explained.
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