Page 244 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 244
submerged in coming years. With this realisation, the United Nations is
actively pursuing the agenda of cutting CO emissions. A Summit was held in
Copenhagen in which several developed, developing and under-developed
nations took part, but no consensus could be achieved because the developed
nations were trying to enforce mandatory emission cuts on the developing
and under-developed countries. Recently, another World Summit was held in
Cancun where the United States was seen lobbying aggressively to impress
upon developing countries like India and China to agree to the mandatory
cuts. The developing countries contend that the developed countries must cut
their emissions more than the others as the developing countries are
struggling with several social issues and have to use more energy to raise the
standard of living of their people, which means they will emit more CO ,
whereas developed nations have already achieved a good standard of living
and hence, are in a good position to cut emissions. While countries have
broadly agreed that the emissions must be cut, no one is willing to adhere to a
regime and subject themselves to verifications by a third party.
The only way to reduce global warming is by increasing forestation and
reducing the use of fossil fuels. I feel the developed nations must intensify
their research in the field of alternative energy and help developing and
under-developed nations to adopt green energy. Since developed nations are
well-off, they need to take the necessary initiative and help other nations
towards achieving inclusive growth in a green way. I also feel that even we as
a student community can contribute to this cause by using bicycles instead of
riding motorbikes so often and plant trees instead to increase the absorption
of CO in a natural way.
In conclusion, I would like to say that global warming is a very serious
issue and, though some efforts have been made in the past, more needs to be
done. We need to focus on alternative fuels, and the developed nations must
take the initiative and lead from the front, failing which the existence of
mankind could itself be threatened.
Thank you.