Page 285 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 285
erstwhile CAVALRY regiments, which were basically troops mounted
on horses and were called the HORSE CAVALRY. They trace their
history back to the nineteenth century or earlier and were designated as
1 Horse (Skinner’s Horse), 2 Lancers (Gardners Horse), 3 Cavalry,
4 Horse (Hodsons Horse), 7 Light Cavalry, 8 Light Cavalry, 9 th
Horse (Deccan Horse), 14 Horse (Scinde Horse), 17 Poona Horse, 15 th
Lancers, 16 Light Cavalry, 18 Cavalry, 20 Lancers and the Central
India Horse. A substantial number of additional units designated as
either “Cavalry” or “Armoured” Regiments have been raised since
Independence. The T90 tanks are the mainstay of the armoured
regiments and usually lead the assault into enemy lines with their
formidable firepower, speed and armour protection.
Combat Support Arms
15. Artillery Regiments: The Regiment of Artillery constitutes the
FIREPOWER arm of the Indian Army, capable of delivering fire
assaults over extremely long ranges with uncanny accuracy.
Historically, it takes its lineage from Moghul Emperor Babur who is
popularly credited with the introduction of artillery in India, in the Battle
of Panipat in 1526. However, evidence of earlier use of guns by
Bahmani Kings in the Battle of Adoni in 1368 and King Mohammed
Shah of Gujarat in the fifteenth century have been recorded.
16. Corps of Engineers: The Corps of Engineers or the SAPPERS are an
important constituent of a Combat Task Force and are capable of
performing multifarious functions to enhance the mobility and speed of
operations of their own forces and degrade the mobility of enemy forces.
In enhancing their own mobility, the engineers lay tracks in desert
terrain, lay bridges in riverine and developed terrain, establish helipads
at desired locations, while in denying the enemy mobility, the engineers
lay minefields, plant demolitions of bridges, establish artificial obstacles