Page 419 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 419

against the reservations because not only are benefits, of which they have
                appointments made on the basis of                      been deprived. [We need a
                membership in a caste, but further                     thorough, funded research

                promotions are also made on the basis of               on the quantum of change in
                mere membership of a community — not                   the economic condition of

                considering the fact that the individual is,           ‘Dalits’ during the 5-year
                upon being appointed to the aforesaid                  tenure of a Dalit leader in

                ‘public’ post, no longer “socially or                  Uttar Pradesh, in order to
                economically handicapped”.                             find out whether the above

                They also believe that reservations are used argument is supported by
                for political benefits (caste-based politics)          facts.]
                rather than social benefits.

                                                                       The ‘pro-reservationists’
                                                                       believe that they should get
                They believe that reservations do not take             reservations because they

                into account merits and achievements; and              had been victims of the
                those who do not deserve it, hold certain              Brahmin-dominated caste

                positions or get those positions because of            system, and look at
                reservations — this could lead to                      reservations as a part of the

                deterioration in the efficiency of public              struggle against this
                services.                                              oppression —towards

                                                                       changing India’s social

                                                                       Supporters of quotas have

                                                                       argued that reservations
                                                                       have been successful in

                “India will remain trapped in the caste                southern states, where they
                paradigm.” The Reservation Policy is                   have been used extensively.

                helping less while harming more.                       [The percentage of
                                                                       reservation under each
                                                                       category is constantly

                                                                       reviewed in these states.]
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