Page 537 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 537

rupee. A country’s weak currency constitutes its economic conditions. As a
               result of free-market trading conditions, the government usually normalises
               the  supply  and  demand.  According  to  PM  Narendra  Modi,  “The  rupee
               reflects  the  strength  of  the  Indian  economy  and  a  declining  rupee  only

               showcases the fact that we as a nation are living beyond our means.” India is
               looking forward to increasing its exports, and cutting short its imports thus

               expecting to increase the value of the Indian rupee in the context of US dollar
               in the near future.

               13. SEX EDUCATION

                    “Answering  questions  is  a  major  part  of  sex  education.  Two  rules

                    cover the ground. First, always give a truthful answer to a question;
                    second, regard sex knowledge as exactly like any other knowledge.”
                    — Bertrand Russell

               Sex is a natural part of life and it’s the only factor that keeps life moving
               from one generation to the next. There are many exegeses about sex and sex
               education since the birth of humankind. Generally, sex education is defined

               as a wide programme to ensure the knowledge about sexual health, anatomy,
               activity,  reproduction,  the  age  of  consent,  reproductive  health  and  rights,
               contraceptive  measures,  relationships,  individuality  and  so  on  throughout  a

               person’s  life.  It  is  as  important  as  the  other  disciplines  of  study.
               Unfortunately, many countries refuse to include mandatory sex education as a
               part of their children’s curriculum because discussing sex in public is a sin in

               their society. Interestingly, sex education is optional in most of the countries
               except Japan, where sex education is mandatory from age 10 or 11.

               History and Importance of Sex Education

               In the late nineteenth century, the “Progressive Education Movement” paved

               the  way  for  “Social  Hygiene”  to  be  included  in  the  curriculum  of  North
               American  schools.  At  that  time,  knowledge  about  sex  was  mostly  gained
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