Page 542 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 542

Hasan  and  Talaq-e-Biddat  (triple  talaq).  While  the  former  two  are
                     revocable,  the  triple  talaq  is  irrevocable.  The  followers  of  the  Hanafi

                     School  of  Islamic  Law  in  the  Muslim  community  in  India  adopt  this

                     system of divorce.

                 6.  Ironically, wives cannot divorce husbands by means of the triple talaq.
                     A  woman  has  to  move  a  court  for  divorcing  her  husband  under  the

                     Muslim  Personal  Law  (Shariat)  Application  Act  1937.  (This  Act  was
                     passed  to  make  provisions  for  the  application  of  Shariat  or  Islamic

                     personal law to Muslims in India.)

               Why Ban Triple Talaq?

                 7.  The  petitioners  sought  the  ban  on  the  practice  of  triple  talaq  on  the
                     following grounds:

                        a.  This practice smacks of gender bias and propagates a distinct male-

                           dominated society.

                       b.  A study reveals 92% of Muslim women were in favour of the ban.

                        c.  The practice facilitates men to seek separation arbitrarily without

                           assigning any valid reason or grounds.

                       d.  The advent of technology further emboldens men to seek talaq by
                           using the electronic and digital medium.

                        e.  Islamic  nations  like  Pakistan,  Indonesia  and  Bangladesh  have
                           banned this practice on the grounds of religious sensitivities.

                        f.  The practice of triple talaq is in contravention to Article 14 (Right

                           to Equality) and Article 15(1) which states that there shall be no
                           discrimination against any citizen on the basis of gender, race, etc.

                       g.  The  Supreme  Court  has  also  declared  that  this  practice  is
                           unconstitutional  and  not  protected  by  Article  25  regarding  the

                           freedom of religion. Also in December 2016, the Allahabad High
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