Page 545 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 545

and religious practices. There are shreds of evidence of cultural exchange and
               trading  for  the  first  few  centuries.  Invasions  from  Islamic  regions  stopped
               every interaction and exchange between India and China. However, both of
               them  suffered  from  European  colonisation  during  the  eighteenth  and

               nineteenth centuries. They have been politically isolated from each other up
               till the last seven decades.

                 They have been vital parts of various trade routes joining the Middle East,

               Europe, and Far Eastern countries. In current times, the world relies heavily
               on these two countries for manufacturing various goods. Today, at the global

               level,  both  of  these  countries  account  for  about  33%  and  25%  of
               manufacturing items respectively.


               British rule limited trading options between China and India, but in the early
               twentieth  century,  post  Independence,  both  of  them  resurged  and  marched

               towards  becoming  superpowers  of  Asia.  India  and  China  relinked  on  the
               basis of sympathy, mutual problems and admiration. In 1941, the Japanese
               invaded  Chinese  territory  and  caused  a  great  deal  of  damage  to  Chinese

               people medically. the Indian National Congress sent a medical team to China,
               which was led by Dr Kotnis.

                 After getting independence, the Indian government achieved a diplomatic

               peace with the Chinese Government in 1948. This did not sustain for a long
               period  of  time  and  in  1949,  the  nationalist  Kuomintang  Government  was
               defeated by the military. The communist party People’s Republic of China

               was  set  up  on  the  first  day  of  October  1949  and  India,  despite  being  a
               democratic country, recognised it.

               Border disputes between India and China

               The India-China borders can be broken down into three sectors:

                 1.  Western Sector or Aksai Chin Sector: The region is claimed by the
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