Page 548 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 548

treaties and pacts to solve this peacefully, but none has been successful
                     until now. There are reports which suggest that China is interfering with

                     Tsang Po-Brahmaputra river waters by diverting the flow and polluting

                     water downstream in regions around Arunachal Pradesh.

                     Dalai  Lama:  There  are  several  thousand  Tibetan  refugees  for  whom
                     India  has  provided  shelter  and  accommodated  them  nicely.  The  Dalai

                     Lama,  the  spiritual  Tibetan  leader,  is  keen  to  accept  India’s  offer  to
                     provide a home to him. China is not happy with this and it is constantly

                     making threats to stop this as it is afraid that Tibetan people will change

                     their opinions in favour of India.

                     NSG:  India  has  climbed  a  lot  higher  since  its  independence  and  has

                     emerged as a superpower. India is keen to get a place in the NSG and all
                     other members except China are ready to give India NSG status.

                     Masood  Azhar:  India  believes  that  he  is  the  mastermind  behind  the

                     Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist group and wants to declare him as the most
                     wanted terrorist. In UNSC, 14 members amid all 15 members voted in

                     favour of India, but China was the only one to use Veto and vote against

                     India’s demand.

                     BRI: China has allocated a huge amount of money and resources in this
                     project (CPEC) which passes entirely through the Gilgit and Baltistan

                     areas  of  Aksai  Chin  and  POK.  India’s  authority  over  these  areas  is

                     always  declined  by  Chinese  officials.  The  Chinese  Government  has
                     invested  a  great  number  of  resources  in  the  Belt  and  Road  Initiative

                     (BRI), but India is not interested in this project as it is concerned about
                     the adverse effects of the BRI.

                     Doklam: China attempted to construct a lot of infrastructural projects in
                     the region and also allocated the army for the sake of their protection.

                     The original motive behind this was to pressurise India and acquire the

                     Doklam  region.  India  took  a  firm  stand  and  did  not  allow  China  to
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