P. 9
Officer Like Qualities Relevance to the mentioned story
Effective Intelligence This story displays effective intelligence by the
fact that Rohan understood the problem
statement, identified an opportunity within it and
displayed courage to establish the startup. Later
on, he got the reward of being featured in the
Startup India event.
Reasoning Ability Rohan though rationally about the startup. Not
only did he establish but kept it successful by
means of Do it yourself guides and lectures which
was similar to a kind of after sale support
Power of Expression This story demonstrates the power of expression
by mentioning all facts, details, sequencing of
events etc. On the other hand, Rohan started
mentoring his juniors and then designed video
lectures on the subject matter.
Self Confidence Rohan is highly enriched with self-confidence as
establishing startup, gathering funds from the
Entrepreneurship cell and making the sales go
high need a high confidence.
Determination Rohan is determined to enhance and upgrade the
level of education standards. His high
determination kept him fueled during his entire
journey of learning to establishing the startup
Initiative Taking an initiative towards something is an
important leadership trait. Rohan stood firm and
took initiative to utilize his knowledge in the
robotics field and make it an impact to others as
Courage Rohan is courageous as he took the entire risk on
himself to establish and uplift the startup.
Establishing the startup involves the risk of paying
back the funds which Rohan borrowed but he was
courageous to take the risk.
Sense of Rohan realizes his sense of responsibility towards
Responsibility the society. All the decisions revolve around his
sense of responsibility to serve. He executes it
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