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           that involved him guiding other juniors in his state in subject of sports and
           balancing academic career. Inspired by his achievements the  Maharashtra
           State Government recommended Sukumar Kale for  the Indian Contingent
           representing a cross country run in Pyongyang, South Korea for  a friendly
           meet  of  all  nations.  Sukumar  Kale  made  his  university,  state  and  country
           proud at this international platform and carried the legacy of sports forward.
            Officer Like Qualities      Relevance to the mentioned story

            Effective Intelligence  This story displays effective intelligence from both
                                 the  writer  and  hero  point  of  view.  Sukumar
                                 maintained  a  perfect  balance  with  academic
                                 career  and  sports  and  maintained  a  good  track
                                 record.  The  mention  of  facts  in  the  story  also
                                 shows the said officer like quality.
            Reasoning Ability    This  officer  like  quality  can  also  be  deciphered
                                 from  the  given  story.  The  narrator  mentions  a
                                 proper occurrence of events and one leading to
                                 the other. In case of Sukumar, he has the rational
                                 mindset to understand the gravity of balance in
                                 academics,  sports  and  other  co-curricular
                                 activities. This not only helped him in sports but
                                 also groomed his personality
            Power of Expression  The  story  builds  a  proper  power  of  expression.
                                 Sequence of events, happenings and progression
                                 of the career of Sukumar represent the same
            Self Confidence      Self-confidence is displayed in Sukumar. By virtue
                                 of the same he was able to represent his university
                                 and  then  state  and  then  nation.  Also  he
                                 volunteered  to  mentor  other  juniors  and
                                 maintained  a  proper  balance  of  academics  and
                                 other co-curricular activities
            Determination        The hero in the story is very determined to win
                                 and succeed. He has a good track record too in the
                                 field  of  academics  in  other  extra  co-curricular
            Organizing Ability   The  story  itself  is  organized  being  defined  in  a
                                 proper  sequence  of  events.  Apart  from  this  the
                                 experience  of  the  hero  in  the  story  in  the  co-

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