P. 16


                                  decision in accordance to the severity. Moving to
                                  a government sector job after the 12  standard
                                  was one of the rational moves.
            Power of Expression   The  story  has  a  clarity  in  sequence  of  events
                                  expressing each event leading to another one.
            Self Confidence       Self-confidence  is  shown  by  the  attribute  of
                                  being a consistent topper, taking bold decisions
                                  for  the  best  interest  of  the  family  and  other
                                  relevant areas as well
            Determination         Rahul  is  determined  to  win  and  deliver  the  best
                                  under all situations. The relevant areas shows his
                                  determined attitude not only to win and but also to
            Organizing Ability    This trait is also reflecting in the story by his ability
                                  to take proper decisions in life. Rahul is organized
                                  and does things properly one at a time.
            Initiative            Taking a decision to dropout graduation for the
                                  family and opt for a job was an initiative.
            Courage               The same decision to be taken needs lot of courage.
            Cooperation           Rahul  is  a  cooperative  person  and  that  is
                                  reflected  by  his  ability  to  maintain  social  and
                                  cordial relations with everyone in the village
            Sense of              Rahul shows this quality to highest order. After
            Responsibility        proper  assessment  of  situation,  he  aligns  his
                                  decision for the best interest of the family from
                                  the economic perspective.
            Stamina               This quality is also shown in this story as Rahul
                                  perspires  hard  towards  excellence  securing
                                  scholarships and clearing off the police entrance
                                  examination with merit.
            Group Influencing     This trait is indirectly shown by the way of his
            Ability               grooming and his attitude to help other students
                                  of the village towards education
            Liveliness            Rahul  is  a  lively  person  and  that  is  another
                                  reason  why  he  is  able  to  maintain  social  and
                                  cordial relation with others
            Social Adaptability    This trait is also shown here as Rahul has been
                                  interactive  over  all  sections  and  members  of
                                  village and school mates

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