P. 21
Liveliness All situations where the character was involved in
dealing with people show this trait.
Social Adaptability This trait is very well seen as the teacher adapts to
the proper way of gram panchayati as well as
corporate dealing with the company.
Picture 4 – Story 2:
Smart Agriculture has improvised the concept of cropping and has thwarted
many challenges that arise normally in Farming. Vijay Rathore, a student
studying Bachelors of
Agriculture Science from
Thapar University hails from
Jhajhar district Haryana. He
took up Agriculture Science
as he was very desirous to
contribute towards the
© SSBCRACK primary sector of the country
from technological point of
view. Vijay belonged to a
family of farmers and wheat,
rice and pulses were the
staple crops that his family
grew. He had a very cordial relation with officials from Block Development
office on account of his excellent academics. Vijay recently attended India
Electronics Week held in Bangalore, where a conglomerate of companies
exhibited their innovative products. One of which included Smart Irrigation
System with temperature and drip control which could operate automatically
and through SMS or Internet. After returning from the event, Vijay with
permission from the Block Development Office, visited various gram
panchayats mentioning about the technology and showing demonstration.
His efforts were welcomed with a positive response and soon the Haryana
State government signed a technological agreement with that company to
provide multiple layers to cover crops. Vijay was felicitated and nominated
for State level awards.
Officer Like Qualities Relevance to the mentioned story
Effective Intelligence This trait is can be seen by Vijay’s approach to his
desire to contribute towards farming.
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