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infrastructure project in his own village. His family has been very excited and
each day before Bhushan leaves for work they bid him bye from the gate.
Bhushan during his stay started a voluntary initiative to educate the villagers
on the changing technology for housing and the children for the career under
the umbrella of Corporate Social Responsibility. His individual efforts played
a significant role to create a difference in the entire region.
Officer Like Qualities Relevance to the mentioned story
Effective Intelligence This trait can be noticed by the way Bhushan has
dedicated his career and made a balance step
over all the fronts. He has a clear understanding
of the resources and making the best use to tap
the potential.
Reasoning Ability Bhushan had a logical understanding and
rational approach in not only building career
based on academics but also on the personality
as it plays an intangible role in the becoming of
manager and leadership roles.
Power of Expression The story is absolutely vocal of the events with
clarity. It expressed the emergence of a person
from a native village background, grooming into a
crafted gentleman and responsibly contributing
both on professional and individual fronts.
Self Confidence This trait is mention in all accords as Bhushan
had an outgoing personality towards
participation and winning. Also securing
placement in the very first go takes a good
amount of confidence to be with ourselves.
Determination Bhushan’s strong sense of determination to be
the best across all endeavors is quite evident
from the story.
Organizing Ability Bhushan had a proper experience of organizing
ability by virtue of his college and professional
experience. In college time he participated and
organized events in technical as well as cultural
and sports domain. In the professional career,
his managem ent experience speaks about this
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