P. 30
Picture 6 - Story 2:
The image is the background flex of an event organized by the Madhya
Pradesh State police in a colony of Indore in March 2017. In the wake of
arising casualties and
damage to property by
accidents caused by Gas
cylinders, the Madhya
Pradesh State government
© SSBCRACK decided to carry out a
phased training program
across all the districts to
train civilians on
sabotaging a cylinder in
leak that catches fire and
the kind of response to it.
The solution lied to gauge
the intensity of the flame and act accordingly. The training program started
in the Moti Vihar Nagar Colony of Indore on a Sunday where most of the
civilians had a holiday. The event was well attended by major part of the
population and the media. Time to time, people were called up and they were
asked to respond in a way to a dummy situation of fire. Civilians applauded
the effort of the state police and the media too gave an overwhelming
coverage. The effort indeed managed to reduce the accidents reported by a
great number in the weeks subsequent to the drive.
Officer Like Qualities Relevance to the mentioned story
Effective Intelligence This story centers to officer like quality shown in a
group model i.e the Madhya Pradesh State policy.
We can see this trait in the understanding of the
body where they realized the leading number of
accidents on a particular front and took steps to
minimize using citizen empowerment
Reasoning Ability This trait is visible as the state police has a rational
mindset of understanding the problems and the
fact that educating about countering the problem
is an effective solution. The media propaganda
also helped in spreading the educative campaign.
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